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gruel commented on DJSCheddar's review of Quake: Episode 5 - Dimension of the Past
it is crazy how terrible this one is but how jaw droppingly good the new one they made was.

10 days ago

gruel commented on Weatherby's review of Sonic Adventure 2
i've noticed that SA2 has really turned around in reputation amongst way younger people. SA1 used to be the "respectable" one but now I see more deirision towards SA1. has amy game polarized different generations of gamers than SA2? people 28+ HATE it, people 23 and younger ADORE it.

10 days ago

gruel commented on gruel's review of Pokémon Unite
@LarryDavis they were geniuses for putting that handsome motherfucker front and center.

11 days ago

gruel commented on gruel's review of Pokémon Unite
@theia i find it a relaxing casual game, as most of the children playing don't understand MOBAs, and are not ready for my vicious Garchomp game. is it honorable? no.

11 days ago

gruel commented on gruel's review of Pokémon Unite
@curse they have slowpoke and he rocks!! all the dopey looking pokemon own in this game.

11 days ago

gruel commented on gruel's review of Pokémon Unite
I give the game 3-stars but I give Blastoise 5-stars.

11 days ago

gruel played Pokémon Unite
Played a TON of this at release and climbed the ranks using the ultimate badass: Crustle. If your team doesn't have that nasty motherfucker you might as well surrender.

Look, they'll kill me for saying it, but I fucking love this doofy ass game. I love a MOBA that doesn't require hiring private tutors to grasp (DOTA 2) or a MOBA that doesn't require you be on the sex-offender registry (League of Legends) to play.

What I think I like about it in comparison to other MOBAs is that the cast hasn't been infested with Anime Badass Action Heroes. Because it can't. Because it's Pokemon. All the Pokemon are so visually distinct that you always know who you are up against and what to look out for, instead of every League character becoming a variation of "Shonen Hero" who has 12 different abilities and can't die and also his ultimate is always off cooldown.

Hey, speaking of that. Is there a character better designed than Blastoise? Like, visually, how did they nail that? The original designer probably was nervous to show it to his boss because he was certain that Blastoise had already been thought up, I mean, he HAD to have been. I fucking love Blastoise.

Basically, if I can play as Blastoise I will play your game.

11 days ago

12 days ago

gruel commented on bwoe's list the best video game music (no orchestral slop allowed)
the jazz jackrabbit music being that divine despite being attached to an utterly pedestrian platformer is why the 90s rocked.

12 days ago

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