Ubisoft Open Worlds

These are the games I had played that have ubisoft like open world features. But I haven't finish most of them, so... ranking them is a bit weird

Gameplay starts fun with forcing you to time attacks, do parries and dodges with right timing. You even have nice gadgets as well. Side content is really repetitive but you don't realize that at the first half also gameplay managed to keep things fun. Until the second half that make me realize this game is long, the kind that repeats every single activity too many damn times to count just like ubisoft. To the point I lost all my good will that I had in the first half.
Haven't finished it. Graphics are pretty. Robot designs are awesome. Gameplay looks interesting at first. But actually... Kinda. Just a flashy weak point shooter. What I mean is It's simple as heck. You press scan button, you shoot it's weak point and you dodge when get attacked. It would actually be serviceable enough with good pacing but they had to make it open world and they had to make enemies spongy to accommodate at that and also fill with pointless timewasting side activities to upgrade yourself up. If it was a linear boss game I would be glad to continue playing but open world repated missions type of game? No thanks


I played this because people in my country doesn't shut up about assasin's creed (if you know Turkish culture, they love horses and blades). This game just plain sucks tho and finishing it took a lot of from me. They made great animations and maps! But rest of the game made in five days feels like. I can go as far as to say this is just a tech demo and nothing more. What I mean is "missions" are so repetitive that, not even listening podcasts while playing can save this game. They say sequels are great but i am not thrilled to continue when my first experience is not great. Maybe I would try the pirate one tho.


Finished with coop. It's a weird game in my opinion. Game gets worse as you go on. It's starts fun rooftop to rooftop parkour simulator between small buildings with serviceable combat with impactful hits and not fun stamina management. Then weapons gets unlocked and everything goes to shit. Rooftops loses their meanings, zombies loses their meanings. Even the map loses its meaning and changes from close quarter small building zones to jump between long buildings with not much danger. I won't even explain story and characters, because they are action movie cliche buddy characters and evil as##oles.


Haven't finished it. It's a far cry game. Go take a machine gun and press the shoot button. Mindless fun I guess. But they are not for me. Why did I played it then? Because it came with my ps4. If you like it what can I say I respect to you. It just not for me.


haven't finished it, but played it quite a bit (more than 10 hours). It's a cliche action game that blinded my eyes with it's hacker concept for a while, but retired it when I realized hacking actually super surface level stuff like distractions and stuns. Also characters wasn't interesting to me. But I can say I liked it's cloudy edgy atmosphere a bit.


Finished this one and almost fully completed. I can even go as far as to say I enjoyed it quite a lot! Why? Because it does one thing and does that thing very well. Level design. Open world combat areas are mostly cliche but main story combat areas really wants you to use gadgets you have and really makes you feel like a spy hacker and I liked it quite a lot. Character wise it goes opposite from the first one and adds colorful characters in it. But I still can't quite say they are enjoyable to me. At least gameplay managed to make me go forward so that was unexpected for me


4 months ago

If WD 2 gameplay merged with WD 1 aesthetics it actually could create a good Ubisoft game, for once lol. To this day I still vibe with WD's grim representation of Chicago and WD2 fun story missions.

4 months ago

@Moister I agree. WD1's grey atmosphere goes well with edgy hacker genre in my opinion too. WD2's hip hop atmosphere a bit hard to take it seriously

4 months ago

Nice list! I think AC1 has aged pretty poorly. Idk if I can go back to the repetitive nature in missions. And climbing in the first installment wasn't the greatest. I do recommend the pirate one though.

Still have to play WD 2 one of these days. I liked the atmosphere in the first game.

4 months ago

@Detectivefail thanks! Yeah ac1 not aged... Great. but pirate one looks nice actually. Also I recommend wd2 especially for the gameplay side. Especially if you crave spy like gameplay with Lots of gadgets to use. It's atmosphere a bit hard to take it seriously sometimes. But Still a fun time at least

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