More like Spirit of Flashbacks cause they genuinely think I have the memory of a goldfish

They wanna be a shounen anime so bad

Love the gameplay storytelling but would've liked to see more exploration of her journey as an artist and how her relationship with Krish has impacted that

Will not be rating as I didn't finish the game, but I can't help but feel like they didn't choose the right gameplay medium to tell the story they wanted to tell

Incredible balance between horror and comedy moments. The atmosphere and sound design are both stellar and I also enjoy the various enemies. A game that's fun for both new and experienced players. Definitely more fun with mods & more players.

I praise their combat system way too frequently for me to reasonably give them any score lower than 4

edit: I'm lowering it bc of the powercreep + excessive yapping

Combat system is very fun & dynamic, wish the enemy encounters were a little more interesting to create more room for the combat system to shine. World traversal is a bit confusing + story is a little drawn out

Very unique take on potion-making mechanics with the potion map, but the core gameplay loop is a grind and ultimately doesn't expand enough on the core mechanic to allow it to reach its full potential

metroidvania in my hidden object game??

also how do people get 4k+ in arcade mode i've been at it for 2 hrs now

This game excels at tonal management between the overly-optimistic main plot and dark, disturbing subplot that lies underneath. I'm not normally a fan of memey games but I think this game executed it excellently through the intentional juxtaposition with the dark lore that surrounds the world. Sound design and music are also fantastic and carry the tone exceptionally. I can count the number of games that do the "cute game that's actually dark" trope in a way that feels meaningful and non-gimicky, and this game is definitely one of them.

This review contains spoilers

I really liked this game but the ending felt like a forced happy ending

The art is beautiful and the Dark Souls-esque level design is very exciting to traverse but the writing and combat is stale and gets tiresome within the first 2-3 hours

I learned how to play solitaire

Despite AAi2 having more complex characters, development, and theming than AAi1, the inconsistent pacing and convoluted logic (especially in that last case) prevented me from enjoying it as much as AAi1. overall I have thoroughly enjoyed this series' clever usage of gameplay mechanics for Edgeworth's characterization and the new logic chess mechanic was no exception

Edit: I originally gave this game a 3.5 but I moved it up since I realized it's one of the more memorable AA games and that alone speaks something. I also think the characters in this game were great and the cases were all overall very engaging, especially the one with Gregory Edgeworth. Logic Chess is also fire

giving this game a 3.5 instead of a 3 just for young franziska <3