35 reviews liked by guss

I live in mortal fear of Marguerite.

Fair play to Capcom, they realised RE6 was a complete abomination and took on board the criticism. The first two thirds of this game are bordering on a 5/5 but as is always the case with Resident Evil these days they had to include some over the top gun toting nonsense by the end.

Alas, don't let that detract from the sublime craft of the Baker House. I would argue it is the best setting Resident Evil has ever devised.

Resident Evil 7 is one of the best games in the series, the idea that the game was a return to form for the franchise has been done to death, what’s more interesting is everything it did differently.

A new tone and art style, Resident Evil 7 is grounded in a way the games before it never even attempted, the art direction makes the horror scarier and the zanier parts more surreal, the perfect balance between true scares and pure camp that few games have ever managed.

A setting that will stick in my mind forever, Resident Evil 7 is the perfect blend of classic Resident Evil and 2010s pop horror games.

this game is near perfect until it becomes a resident evil game

Put it back up to 4 stars because madhouse was a lot of fun.

Resident Evil 2 remake was not my first Resident Evil game, but it was the first 3rd person Resident Evil game that I have extensively played and I wish I played this sooner. The first thing worth mentioning is that the graphics are absolutely stunning and really utilize the capabilities of the consoles they were on. I'm usually not wowed by a game's visuals but this was an exception. The level of detail present adds to the fear factor of the survival horror elements present in the game.

The gameplay is fantastic. Leon and Claire both feel great to control and some of the different weapons they use help them feel somewhat unique from each other. Leon and Claire both have scenarios where you briefly play as a character present in their respective version of the story. While I didn't appreciate them as much as I did other parts of the game, they were still neat additions and a small breath of fresh air away from the main gameplay.

The survival horror elements that the original Resident Evil captured perfectly are still here. I still felt that feeling of dread running around the police station hoping I didn't run into any lickers or a bunch of zombies that I would not be able to handle all the while managing my health and inventory throughout my adventure. That feeling of tension adds a level of immersion and enjoyment that make Resident Evil 2 and really Resident Evil as a whole great.

The only thing that bothered me was that Leon's and Claire's stories outside of playing as Ada or Sherry for a short time depending on who you choose and the A & B scenarios both don't have enough changes to really make it worth playing again. Most of the same things still happen which makes the B scenario feel redundant. There is the true ending, but even that only just adds a small boss that's pretty easy to beat. I still enjoyed playing through the game with both characters, but really just wanted to see a few more differences to make each playthrough stand out.

Overall, Resident Evil 2 remake is a superb remake and game.

There's nothing particularly wrong about this game, in fact, it's really well made. I was just kinda bored a lot of the time since it feels very derivative of most AAA open-world games, especially Ubisoft ones.

The ending was fantastic tho.

One of the best games I have ever played. Great Story, Plot, Characters, and Use of Visuals. The Island of Tsushima is vast and feels like the content is vast while different. Combat was great and the implementation of ghost tools enhances gameplay. Elements of Japanese Culture are greatly used. The use of history is great and the villain is compelling. The story between Jin and his uncle is emotional and helps close out the story.

Whoever had the idea that an ode to Akira Kurosawa should be built on soulless ubisoft mechanics needs to resign as an artist.