There's a lot to really like about this game. I think what works best is that 99.99% of the time when something goes wrong, you will understand why and then be able to use that information / experience in future engagements. Takes some time to master but very satisfying when you pull off a risky strat.

Super cracked game, I love the endless Skirmish progression system.

It's fun, but it'll ruin your financial status if you enjoy the source material. It's also Pay-to-Win. Such is life.

Objectively ass, but in a weird way, the jankiness is also what I like most about it.

Not as good as ME2, but it still carries on quite competently, if you ignore the ending.

The story carries it from being just okay into the 'Good' tier. memorable characters & setting.

I love stories where there is struggle. For the most part, 9/10 players I bet never even finished this game. That's what makes winning all the more sweet. Playing this game is as hard as actually fighting off an alien invasion

Easily one of the best AAA deals on the go right now. The best Halo games all in one place, plus the Halo 2: Anniversary is a very faithful and beautiful remake.

This was the couch co-op game of my childhood, me & my brother would smash out the campaign and arcade back to back

Really good city builder, would say this was the first game since Sim City 4 Deluxe to be the de facto city building simulator.

Did you know this game has a writer? You wouldn't think so if you read any of the dialogue in this.

I can't believe they had the balls to release this. Abandonware, and a shoddily designed game that killed the best 40k game franchise.

Mixed feelings on this. The game is seemingly deep, but after many hours there is a meta to finding the ghost. Every ghost is essentially exactly the same so there is a canonical strategy to investigation.

Played the game since the very early Alpha, hard to even call it a game really. This is and always has been a very fun tech demo. Just don't expect multiplayer to function beyond two people at the same time.

Actually a really big fan of the FIDS (Food, Industry, Dust, Science) system and the way that Space combat is portrayed. Definitely feels more like you're managing a space empire more than some other space 4X's.