Sight and Sound

Joining in on the latest trend. Doing mine based around games that I feel can best show the potential of video games as an artistic medium rather than their influence on the medium itself, since I think that would be more interesting than a list full of Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, FF7, etc.

So yeah, enjoy my list and its attached notes that probably make me look like I'm trying way too hard to sound smart

Gravity Rush isn't perfect, but having released in an era of "cinematic" games, it's one that felt like a proper video game. Story and graphics were not the primary focus, and yet the game is still filled with breathtaking views and a feeling of wonder, like an old animated film brought to life.
Both Jet Set Radio games are home to as much artistic expression as you could possibly fit in a video game. The creative character designs, the perfectly curated soundtracks, and graffiti-centered gameplay all accent each other nicely and mesh together to create a very memorable experience.
NieR's phenomenal storytelling and characters are brilliantly used to illustrate themes relating to misguided justice and the perspectives of both sides of an atrocity. Few games have triggered an emotional reaction from me in the way this one has.
Katamari Damacy tries to be a video game and succeeds immensely, and for that it's a better representation of the art form than any game that deliberately tries to be a piece of art.
Prior to the likes of DMC5 and Metal Gear Rising, DMC3 was the closest an action game had come to perfection. DMC1 may have laid the blueprint for these types of games, but DMC3 refined that blueprint and would go on to be the lightning in a bottle that so many after it would try to replicate.
Killer7 is a political thriller that blends genres together to create a game unlike any other. Filled to the brim with stylish visuals, fascinating story beats, and engaging gameplay, this game is Goichi Suda at his absolute best.
A pioneer of its own genre, Metroid takes your average platformer and uses it to test your thinking skills and reward exploration. Massively influential in itself, Super Metroid was the first game in the series to perfect this formula.
People aren't wrong to praise this game's political commentary as highly as they do. The themes in the game have only grown more and more true over the two decades since the game's release. These themes coupled with iconic and influential characters, music, and gameplay cement MGS2 as nothing less than a masterpiece in my eyes.
Hotline Miami is interesting from a meta perspective. The game's story is minimal at best, but that doesn't stop it from asking some hard-hitting questions that seem to be aimed more at the player than any characters within the game.
Yakuza 0 is absolutely loaded with fun things to do in between the experience of its compelling narrative. A high point for Yakuza, and the one to finally draw the west's attention to a series it had neglected for years prior.


1 year ago

Can’t wait to play all of these!

1 year ago

great selections here! would you mind if I included this as a ballot in the master list located here?

1 year ago

@Pangburn Thank you!! By all means feel free to do so

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