ramming a motorcycle into your brother is a great way to repair your broken relationship

100% completion on Steam!
Yusuke.... my beloved..... my sweet summer child.......

nothing wrong with this as a port, i mean, the game runs and personally i haven't experienced a single bug whilst playing. The game itself? i love the story and characters (though the pacing has a few issues imo), my biggest issue is the gameplay, call it 'old school' but i don't think making you spend and hour and thirty on a boss just for it to suddenly be strong against all attacks, be able to pretty much -use- all attacks, and also have an attack that makes it counter everything. And if you lose. Guess what. Another hour and a half. Not to mention the grinding in general, again, i've seen a lot of people say that the game is just old school, and yeah,,, it sure is old. Almost unplayably old. I don't understand why people see grinding as an actual, viable mechanic in videogames, some grind here and there so you're not underleved or if you want to be overleved sure, but this game pretty much requires you to be overleved.
The fusion system is also a lot of bullshit, i had to have a fusion calculator on me at all times whenever i went into the Velvet Room because there is no guide. Like at all. Only four-way and upwards fusions tell you what you actually need to make something, and you'll spend a good hour fusing personas just to get a -singular- one, not to mention the fact that it'll suck up all your money so you have to head into Tartarus over and over to keep grinding for money. It's meaningless grind too when for all your super strong attacks the boss will just gain the ability to counter it. I haven't played Reload yet but i know the fusion system's a lot better and the combat seems more optimised too, i can only pray to god the final battle isn't as annoying.
Still, the game is charming, i love the characters a lot, specially Akihiko, and the world and lore it creates is specially intriguing. And again, there's nothing wrong with the game as a port, no bugs or crashes, i just don't believe it's good for anyone who hasn't played the original back in the day as the game's mechanics and combat have become quite dated and frustrating, coming from someone that's having her first experience with the Persona series through this game.

i love Goku Black i sure do wish his saga wasn't absolute bullshit

i love Red Velvet Cookie so much


100% completion on Steam!
i love sapphics

my favourite Pokemon game, i love Cyrus so much