One of those games that I could play over and over again and never get tired of it. Shu Takumi does it again. I only wish that I could more easily convince others to play this, since it's such an amazing game but very hard to talk about without spoilers. It's a mystery game, so duh, but... it's different. This game takes you for a WILD ride and it's all beautiful and culminates perfectly.

i'm not brainrotting over the same game series over and over again, YOU are

8 year old me didn't fuck around when it came to those minigames and then proceeded to bawl her little eyes out at the ending. 23 year old me is now worse at video games but still cries at this game. that's character development

infinitely superior experience to have on the physical DS than any other re-releases where they get rid of the dual screen. zero escape is why i am better at escape rooms than anyone ever tbh