Things I Like About the Games That I Don't Like

Yoinked from Phantasm.
I'm gonna say something nice about all of my 1 star and 2 star review games, which I either range from despising or feeling generally indifferent to. Not every vibeo game can be amazing, but it's also nice to find some positives in the bad just for your own mental sanity. Hopefully this will make me feel a little bit better today. I have a lot of 1's and 2's because I don't use half stars, so most games I dislike just get dumped in there.

The monkey gimmick is a genuinely creative idea that was really funny for a good 2-3 hours. Had it been executed a little better, it would have been so fun.
I respect Respawn's steel balls in continuing to make the diverse characters they want while Chuds continually piss, moan, and threaten them over it online.
The plot and setting is really enthralling, it's just that the ending sucks.
Extremely fun with friends. The Definitive version looks so much better than the original.
Zero build exists. Playing this game after school hours is like playing on easy mode.
Yoko Shimomura's music always slaps cheeks red.
Chain of Memories unironically has one of the best storylines in the entire series.
It genuinely does allow you to go just about anywhere with climbing mechanics that don't look or feel like dogshit.
It is very funny to destroy opponents who confidentially Snapped way too early.
The returning characters are the best part of the game, even if some of their endings are complete donkey ass. Javik is cool as fuck and the Citadel DLC is still one of the best DLCs ever made.
It's free.
I have a lot of memories playing the crap out of this game as a kid. Even though it doesn't offer a lot in the gameplay department, it's still a cute idea.
The mini-games are peak. Back in the day, you could upload your Pokémon from the handheld games and see them in 3D for the first time ever.
The 2nd half of the game with the apartment building is genuinely interesting.
The card mechanics where you have to mitigate incoming damage instead of dealing it is a cool idea. Relatable content that I can relate to.
I don't actually dislike this game, I just gave it a low score because I didn't like the Rin storyline and someone in the comments gave me annoying, transphobic heat for it. Catherine puzzles are actually very fun and the tension is built up extremely well.
We learn a little more about the Curator in this game, which is the only consistent character shown throughout the anthology.
Mikie Myers my beloved.
An AU type game is actually a really fun idea that I wish we could see more often. It's basically the same experience as Dead Rising 2, but less polished. I only gave it a low score because the port is atrociously broken.
Playable with my friend.
I learned what giving euthanasia probably feels like before having to actually do it to one of my pets in real life.
Have a lot of memories playing this as a kid when I probably shouldn't have been playing it. Most of the remake is pretty 1:1 and looks very nice.
Unga bunga setting is actually a really good idea I would like to see a more competent studio try.
Most of the OST is so fucking good. The costume gimmick has so much potential.
Pikachu has good comedic timing sometimes.
This game was the bulk of my childhood. I have random bouts of grief thinking about how much time I spent on this game hanging out with my friends in Henesys. I hope they're all doing well now.
The music. Also, I do like a lot of the Pokémon from this generation.
I've still only played the first chapter, but it is nice to see that the game takes huge leaps in aesthetics as each new chapter comes out.
I'm sure that this game was a highlight to a lot of people's days back when it was at it's peak in the same way that MapleStory was for me as a kid. That is always worth something.
Animals are cool :)


It was a fun UNO time when the game actually functioned.
The insane community for this game continues to be the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.


1 month ago

Wait you hate chain of memories???

1 month ago

@_YALP I hate the PS2 version that's in the remasters. I never got to play the GBA version.

1 month ago

darkpoppah appears....

1 month ago

I was doing a favorite pokemon list thing at some point and I was surprised by how many of Sword and Sheilds were actually pretty high up there. I think it's pretty hit or miss but the good mons are really good.

1 month ago

@MrWarm Dragapult, my beloved.

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