after getting stuck, i joined the discord and read the guide, had to decide on waiting for 4 days to gather enough of a resource to unlock something before i spend another 4 days actively grinding a resource to get a perk which won't speed up my prestiges at all but will allow me to start another prestiege that should take me, oh, about 4 days, or continuing to grind the stuff im still working on fairly actively. i am on the second prestige layer and there are probably about ten more in front of me?

i like a lot about this game - the art, the feel of the units flowing into each other, the quips, even the complexity. i do not like the pacing. i do not like how some things progress offline (waste, energy) but other things need you to be online (runes, oysters). i definitely don't like how you are punished for attempting challenges and the ruinous difficulty cliffs. i HATE how the autobuyers are gated behind punishingly high walls - this is not an "idle" game in any meaningful sense for the first few months, this is an active-play game with a lot of clicking and babysitting.

i'm done. it's just too slow, grinding is way too repetitive with not nearly enough automation, and i dread having to do three prestieges to get one upgrade that might make me 10% faster.

This is a very specific gravity well, escape velocity, planetary lander simulator that appears to be wrapped in a ...roguelike story game with adventure elements? Weird. Admirable, even. Definitely not for me.

*excitedly* it's Majesty!!!
*an hour passes, i finish the first campaign level, the second campaign level asks me to do it all over again* ...oh... it's Majesty.....

the islands mechanic is kind of bleh. Majesty had a lot of tongue firmly in cheek with the different factions and this does not. majesty forced you into different faction choices. this just seemed to be doing the same build order over and over again.

A strangely straightforward story about corporate greed, which was kind of a letdown after the multilayered journey Gone Home took me on. I mean, I liked it. I found sticky notes with numbers on them and then I used those numbers to unlock doors.

wildly unpolished, from an axe swing that barely connects to jumping puzzles where you alternately clip completely through beams or need them for solid footing, unsubtle controls but full of puzzles that demand timing and subtlety, and crummy controller support to top it all off.

the story is incredibly limp. it's actually not interesting to watch an AI ask what nationality she is in a vacuum (although the VA does a great job chewing the scenery) and the "AI gaining consciousness" storyline hits every cliched note you'd expect.

the gameplay is mostly about worker management, but worker management mostly consists of "build more workers". there isn't too much control you have over prioritization or anything. in fact, the solution to everything is "build more". not enough raw mats? build more mines. supply chain issues? build more factories. need to start terraforming? build just.... a shitload of water treatment plants. no, more than that. an absurd amount. water levels rising? don't try and manage it, just rebuild everything (but more) on higher ground. again. again!

which finally brings us to the Pure Ideology - Oh no! Humans destroyed the Earth with their relentless pillaging of natural resources!! We must retreat to Mars to secure a future for our fourteen words, I mean -- start pillaging THESE resources, it's fine, I mean -- hey, look, it's just a game, right? Right? There's not any shoutouts to Elon Musk in here, implying he's a super genius who is going to save humanity, right? Oh. Hm.

i liked it enough to finish it, but it was kind of a hate-finish.

yeah its good (hit a skill wall and will never finish lol)

Stealth sequences in a non-stealth game 👎👎

i played this game for two and a half hours and it was a nice little snack. it was fun to come from playing cobalt core first (a game with a lot more going on) and see the bones cleanly laid out here: great art, wonderful handle on character voice, nice crunchy mechanics with a ton of polish.

i really liked the alien planet setting. however i didn't like trying to navigate 3d space when setting up my production queues or the repeated force back to manual crafting even when I was trying to set up my automation. i'll probably come back to it later?

great opening that immediately establishes characters and setting without leaning on technobabble or infodumping. a neat little set of decisions that garner immediate feedback from your companions. and finally a perfect and achievable length. sure, the topics on AI responsibility and ethics got a bit of a sigh from me given current, but it didn't reach beyond its grasp and kept it centered on you and your companions.

it was a combo brawler with platforming and some rhythm stuff baked in, i dunno. i liked the writing but didn't like the combat or platforming. i liked the music but not the rhythm minigames. i got to the base and looked at the list of unlockable combos and just sighed and turned the game off forever.

the thing that irritates me the most about open world stuff at this point is locking interesting abilities behind skill trees and plot gates.

cutscenes felt interminable so i skipped 'em, then i felt a sense of dread about the next mission i had to go on, then i felt dread about the combat encounters (and i was on easy) and i realized this game was just not for me at all.

there was some cool stuff playing around with the ghostly interactions between worlds during plot sequences i guess.

still my favorite zelda. what a great remake that adds just enough without taking away too much (ok, i wanted the picture mode from DX back. and to be able to throw the boomerang while holding the rooster and have a whirling circle of death under me). what a treat to get fuller sound and better animation. the story has a light touch that still hits hard, and its just the right length.

actually made it through this time, boy that capitol city is a b brick house of a first act! and really the entire game has a very strange structure. it's cool to see it adopt less traditional structures but by the time i wrapped my head around it, it was over (and i was ready for it to be over!) .