The best in the action roguelike genre, as it was with the first game. The transition to 3D was amazingly done here. Plenty of content to unlock and I put thousand of hours on this already. Solo play is good but I have the most fun in friendly coop.

A masterpiece from DoubleFine and for me, the 2021 GOTY. I think the level of design and creativity in Psychonauts 2 is unmatched by any other action platformers and will stay like this for quite some time.
Mental health and other subjects are threated in a perfect way and every character looks interesting. Voice acting is super good, as it was with the original game.

The first game is not a requirement but I really recommend playing it before this as it is available for such a low price (sometimes even free).

Oh and I really hope I am alive by the time we get Psychonauts 3!

This is my top recommendation every time someone asks me for a short and sweet game. Very wholesome and the soundtrack is pretty relaxing.

No game made me feel so much as MOTHER3 did.

It's pretty fun and I love the art style. The concept around the startups is nice and there is some very clever and funny dialogues. A lot of bangers in the soundtrack!

There was a lot of potential for new content (something roguelikes kinda need) but sadly the devs said no more updates.

The repetition made it look more of a chore than a game.

I did the whole main campaign with a friend, which made this much more interesting. Story is pretty basic and we found some bugs but nothing game breaking. Planning to play the sequel with friends as well.

Pretty fun party game but really needs online play to thrive. We are in lockdown after all :(

Fun but gets stale and grindy after a while.

The core mechanics are so well balanced that it can probably take credit for the "roguelike-deckbuilder" genre. The only thing keeping me from a 5-star review is that the art and animations are very basic, I wish the game was more visually appealing.

Not for the clausthrophobic or if you just enjoy visual clarity in your games.

This game is so much more than a deckbuilder. Insctyption is a lot of things, and all those things are good things.

Pretty cool experience, the less you know the better.

Very chill and short game, more like an experience. You get a little storytelling through the objects you unpack, which is pretty nice.

Stress-free Cultist Simulator. Thanks Sokpop <3

Eldritch horror fishing simulator, what is there not to love?