14 reviews liked by impactzack

i think its really funny that one guy really wanted to fuck the main character from GVH that he tried pulling a reverse pink triangle, i just wish he didnt have to make everyone else suffer through this trite bullshit full of dated /v/ references and his opinions on trans/nb people to do so when he could just get some drawf*g on /v/ to make everything for him. 4chan peaked with kawata shojo and will never reach that high ever again.

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just like being on a swim team: you get the bad ending if you don’t bring your goggles

Atlus make P3E next I dare you

Review of Arcueid's route:

Pretty neat except that time I had to read about 3 different states of being a vampire for the 10th time

Realizing I did not turn on the porn censor thingy made part of this game like a RE4 QTE lol

serious stuff got a little goofy

i am literally marisa in real life

-direct sequel that's notably different in tone and style from its predecessor
-two different campaigns that are both required to fully understand the story
-one of the playable characters is a female government agent
-there's a dark doppelganger of the main protagonist
-important story moments are punctuated with butt rock anthems by the developer's in-house band

this is just finnish sonic adventure 2

op should have been bullied more

"p3 best story p4 best characters p5 best gameplay" mfs are gonna have a problem now that this game has the best in all of these