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imzachawee followed Senphet

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1 day ago

imzachawee finished Gris
its the easiest thing to credit for a reason - the artwork of this game is gorgeous in ways that video games generally don't get into. the watercolor settings, cute & oddball creatuers (some are just like pikmin which is good), and stunning lighting are all on full display at all times. the sound design pushes this forward too with light yet powerful pieces floating in the wind as you move along your way. in my opinion gris does such a great job communicating feeling and story without using language in any way.

now sure, if my eyes and ears could play video games, games nowadays nearly always be 10/10. but i cant do that, i have to use my hands to play (like a loser). so, what do my hands think about the gameplay?

its just.. fine. sometimes i felt lost. gris does an intersting thing where i simultaneously felt like i was never in the right spot at any given time and also always in the right spot in any given time. i cant explain it, i dont understand it myself. sometimes i'd miss small cues that tell me what to do or where to go because they were so small, the camera was zoomed out, or i could've went in a one of a few different directions and chose the wrong one, namely when ascending tall buildings.

conclusion? breathtaking visuals carry this calming, low-stimulation story that almost plays itself at times. gameplay/puzzles are engaging enough to keep you going, but that isn't why you play. its about the art.

2 days ago

imzachawee reviewed Resident Evil Village
the disgusting fish boss was so f*cking awesome. glad that they also made a game that you can play before and after that.

really appreciated how episodic some of the areas felt. once i started getting over a space it was about ready to move me along. each character and space felt distinct and on its own. the game does a great job of balancing making you feel small, leveraging that to invoke some scaries, and then placing you in a position to wipe out some weird zombie wearwolves like a badass. this was my first game i've ever played on a playstation and is my fav resident evil to date (i've only played 7 and 8 tho).

2 days ago

imzachawee reviewed Kirby and the Forgotten Land
its kirby! and kirby just makes me feel so happy. each level encapsulated that feeling of a pleasant, jubilant adventure for me. i was dead set on collecting all of the waddle dees and appreciated how it wasn't too much added trouble.

my love for KatFL came when i was grinding through the end game bosses and upgrading my abilities to their fullest extent. i had no clue prior to launching this game that i could've had so much fun with a combat system within a kirby title, but here it is.

light heartedness: 10/10. music (*points into the crowd to spot the dedede boss theme and winks): 10/10. inability to pick a fav ability bc they're all so good (but really its the fire one): 10/10. could you imagine if they remembered to put the land in this game? there would've been no going back.

unsure of specific time played/play dates :/ sometime in spring of 2023, estimating around 20 hours?

2 days ago

2 days ago

imzachawee earned the Loved badge

2 days ago

imzachawee is now playing Gris

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