this game holds a special place in my heart. i would literally play through this with anyone who asked. short but a ton of fun just bashing your way through the game.

a great sequel. probably better than the first game with a more impactful story. lots of polish and a great weapon system. expect to gamble a ton.

good at the time, but now feels pretty slugish. a fun playthrough with a firend. can't tell you how many times i fell asleep in the back of a vehicle playing this game way too late

game gets some hate, and it isn't perfect, but I really enjoyed the playthrough. The story is it's strong suit and tossing enemies around with the new vigors was a lot of fun. albeit limited, i loved the multi-dimensional aspects

meh, the first one is better. no real improvements, and a mostly forgettable playthrough

pretty fantastic experience overall. good atmosphere, good enemies, fun fights, injectable power-ups, and a shyamalan twist.

good game to sink a ton of time into. it's minecraft for people who don't want to admit that they should probably just play minecraft.

honestly just a perfect game that gets better with friends.

this game rips. i was surprised at how tense the emmi sections were, and overall it was great experience. like any metroid game, it was easy to get stuck for a bit, but it still flows really well and the story is top notch.