June, 2022

May, 2022


Probably shelving this for now as I was just playing the weekly events for anniversary rewards. But I want to pick it up again soon.

March, 2022


Played the demo; I don't own the full game yet. The tutorial is also apparently an easy-difficulty campaign, and I played that for a little over an hour.

The game seems all right. Its UI is pretty unpolished, and some things are confusing; but the overall campaign experience is sort of an RPG puzzle, like Desktop Dungeons. Battles can be a little stressful as you hate to watch units be lost, but there's definitely an appeal to this whole auto-battler thing for me. This isn't something I'll purchase urgently, but I'd be happy to play it more extensively eventually.


January, 2022

December, 2021


I like this game a whole lot. The fantasy of running a potion shop is very appealing to me for whatever reason, and it's simulated here with detail and through cleverly designed gameplay systems. Plus the art is obviously superb.

However, I don't want to play it seriously until after it leaves Early Access. I have only dabbled in it for these two days because it featured a holiday event. It's been a very nice sampling of what awaits me, but I'll be moving it to my backlog now.

November, 2021


I just love how many ads I wind up watching despite having purchased the "remove ads" option.

October, 2021



I just meant to try the game out briefly and get the Halloween event skin unlock, but I was blown away and wound up playing up to halfway through Chapter 3. I was already into the concept of turning Snake into a sort of persistent rhythmic puzzle crawl, but the execution is so good. Puzzles are clever, the continuously evolving music is excellent, and the way you progress through the temple/dungeon is very cool, with loops and new paths contingent upon increases in length and even later chapters passing back through earlier spaces from a different perspective. There's even a story being told here? I had no idea! This is ambitious, and it's solid; what's here so far is playable and strong despite being in Early Access. But I think I like it too much to play any more before it's done! I'll wait for this meal to reach its full length before I chow down.



Just Job Job. It's always going to be Job Job. Seems like Blather 'Round has been replaced for us.



Tried Jackbox 8 out with my friends for our regular multiplayer evening. Job Job emerged as the clear favorite with many funny results. And the type of creativity-under-pressure it requires doesn't cause as much stress for me as some other Jackbox games because the competitive part involves assembling a response from given words; the limitation and provision stop me from grasping at the open air as I would if I had to come up with something with total freedom.



I'm not a fan of most Jackbox party games that put players on the spot to invent funny things and vote for each other's contributions, but I do enjoy Blather 'Round. My friends and I often play that on Friday nights.