when i had played this game i had expected a nice little rpgmaker game and i genuinely didnt expect it to be my favourite game of all time after playing it, if you know nothing about oneshot and want to play it AVOID ALL SPOILERS AND PLAY IT.

this has to be one of the best survival horror games ive ever played holy shit this was so good, the combat while being the same as the first somehow improved?? i dont even know what to say about this game just go play it!!!!!!

this game had one of the best final bosses ive ever played ever honestly, im not gonna spoil anything just go play this

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i still havent done the chapters after beating the game but still this game is an amazing platformer!!! i also dont think ive ever been so angry at a game before so that was a nice experience.

how do you make a game that was originally a flash game this good and replayable

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my friend who was vincent was somehow the button mashing master and won the final fight, good game.

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this game was really creative and genuinely amazed me sometimes!!! i still feel bad for the little elephant plushie :(

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my friend had the amazing idea for us to help him beat the campaign on realism, worst experience of my life especially because of the gunship mission. zombies is good though!

such a calming game must play!!!111!1

i got this game in 2018 and beat it in 2022, goes to show how fun a game can be without even playing the game!!! (my honour was almost the lowest it could be when i played again)

i once killed my sisters dog on accident and she didnt talk to me for 3 days, good game.

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this game made me unreasonably angry but thats my fault for playing on give me a challenge or whatever, the story was amazing and i hated atreus for half the game until you kinda understood him!