The game is super unique in terms of gameplay and very, very fun and interactive. The accessibility is fantastic as well in a way that I recommend all games take note of. And I really do like the narrative aspects of the game; however, the dialogue is so… stilted, perhaps, in a way that is hard to ignore. All too often does it feel as though the characters are treating each other like therapists, and there is no subtlety in the slightest as to how they’re feeling and what the themes of the games are. And I do NOT want to imply that these themes are inherently corny, because they’re not. I quite like them, and the characters are enjoyable and well-written regardless. It’s simply awkward, sometimes, in its portrayal. That all said, the game is fantastic, and I would recommend it to anyone reading this. Oh, and it’s best played with a mouse, in case that weren’t obvious.

Uchikoshi has done it again! The game has a fascinating, captivating narrative that is masterfully told in a format only achievable in video games. The game’s presentation is gorgeous, and its themes are delivered in the wildest, most batshit ways possible that I think are beautiful. The emotional highs are HIGH and most everything else is enjoyable. However, uh, obligatory warning regarding the horniness. It can be fun (for a lack of better words), but can also end up delving into the tasteless from time to time. You’ll need a stomach for this sort of stuff to truly enjoy the game, I think, which is unfortunate.

Uchikoshi’s done it again :/ If you’ve played the original AI: The Somnium Files, then it’s worth noting before you go in that there’s a spoiler clause to this game and thus none of the returning characters get treated as well as they should. Narratively, the game truly isn’t bad- it’s simply not as good as the original- but it’s somehow so, so much more tasteless than the original that I struggle to recommend it. The Somniums themselves are so fun, and the twist, although controversial, was enjoyable for me. If I were to replay AITSF, however, would I also replay this? I’m not sure. Please be warned of how much 18-year-old high school girls are gawked over in this game. It’s uncomfortable.

It is as charming as it is tedious. And I say that, but please don’t let this keep you from playing the game, because it really does feel filled with so much love that I’d be remiss not to recommend it if you have a DS. It’s cute, and the mechanics are unique. The main issues are how slow and unforgiving the game is, but it’s worth working past if only for how quaint the experience is.

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Fuck it, it’s good. The Ala Mhigo/Doma split doesn’t really bother me as much as it bothers a lot of other people. The mechanics are objectively better than Heavensward’s, and I love the music. 4.1-4.3 had their issues but feel incomparable to 3.1-3.3, and Yotsuyu- in spite of Square Enix’s ongoing issues in portraying female characters, including her- is a cathartic character for me in a way that not a lot of others are. It’s free now, so there’s no excuse not to play it already if you’ve already played through Heavensward. It’s not without its flaws, but it’s worth a shot. Oh, and this all isn’t to say that we shouldn’t be discussing the colorism with regards to Lyse’s design and Ala Mhigo as a whole, but that’s for another time and place.

Not without its jank, but not without its charm, either. The final stretch is brutal, but not impossible- fun, even, and satisfying when you manage to pull it off. The job system is very, very fun to mess around with. The narrative isn’t anything special, and I wasn’t expecting it to be; it’s simply very quaint and comforting in that fact. I’m a big fan of the presentation, actually. The 3D is very silly and very cute. I would genuinely recommend the game, for as little substance as there is compared to others- although any comparisons to more modern titles would feel unfair anyhow.

And if I called this game great? Excellent, even? If I said it had so much content and then some? If I said its RPG-esque mechanics were a unique and shockingly in-depth addition to what would already be a good rhythm game on its own? If I said the effort put into it was actually kind of crazy? If I said it feels like it was made specifically for me? Sure, whatever. Five stars. Who cares.

I’m being painfully unironic when I say that this game is good. It’s worth noting that I HATE parodies of visual novels, but to call it a parody would be a disservice and to say anything else of the game’s story would be to rob you of the experience.

Expands on the original game in some wild ways, if you can believe it. Still great.

It’s definitely not worth it, but I like Picross and I like Vocaloid, so there’s that. You could enjoy both of those aspects for free anywhere else though.

I still don’t understand it.

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People are too mean to it, but it’s still a bit awkward. The Crystarium system is fun in concept but not so fun in execution, and the gameplay is fun when you aren’t simulating the same few fights over and over again. I liked how Paradigms worked and MOST of the characters. Honestly, some of the dynamics (Lightning and Hope/Sazh and Vanille, most notably to me) were the highlights, but I couldn’t stand Snow: it felt as though Square Enix had no faith in Lightning and her relationship with Serah carrying the game as its protagonist and core motivation respectively and forced him into nearly every scene consequently. The story is hard to follow, but fine, with the ending being the highlight. And genuinely, I’d prefer a “hallway simulator” to an empty open world. All in all, I did truly like the game, although it left me frustrated more often than not. Oh, and the final boss went crazy.

A stylistically great game with some really unique gameplay that’s hard to put down. It’s very easy to get into and very fun to try to learn more of as you get more and more into it. There isn’t a whole lot of content, but there doesn’t need to be. Highly recommended.

Although not yet complete, what is out is very, very good. I’m not much of a FPS person and I still had fun. I’m a sucker for the use of biblical themes and imagery, so there’s that, too, if you’re into that sort of thing. Overall, I’m looking forward to the rest of it very much.

A unique game that’s very enjoyable. While there’s not a whole ton of content, the gameplay is in-depth and interesting enough to keep me and my friend coming back to it- even when we’re simply redoing old matchups.