I decided to play this as my first mainline Final Fantasy game due to its job system. The system might not be as robust or complex as most modern class/job progressions nowadays, but it delivered well for its time. The storytelling and replayability were surely not the highlight of the game.

The additional features of the Pixel Remaster like the 4x experience and disabling encounters helped me enjoy this game even more.

Triple Triad. Eyes On Me. Limit Break. Time travel. Space travel. Romance. Junction System. Need I say more?

It does have its issues—and so does every other Final Fantasy game—but overall the game delivered well on how it intends to be.

For a game that is seemingly too “fun” and “friendly”, this game can be quite unforgiving in difficulty and a bit dark in story. Until you learn the ropes of the game, I cannot imagine a child getting around the first few dungeons. The challenge becomes more manageable and fun, however, as you progress through the game, unlocking several jobs in the process.

The Chocobo franchise was my entry point to the endless rabbit hole of the world of Final Fantasy. This game specifically sealed that deal.

Played this game to 100% completion. Finishing the main story, unlocking alternate endings, and defeating the post-game boss repeatedly cemented my love for this game. The story might be a bit lengthy for some, but it’s all worth it.

It's quite nice to be able to play your beloved characters in this anime. I just had to buy some specific characters, like Hawks and Midnight. While the gameplay mechanics are easy to get around with to be decent, some computer-controlled opponents can kick your butt. I was not able to finish the story as it's basically 1:1 with the anime. A good arena game; nothing too mind-blowing.

The greatest backlog of my life. I failed to finish the game after someone lost the memory card of our PS1, and I could not just blitz through the game in one sitting as a child.

Overall, I adored the battle mechanic of this game. It was unique and had so much potential to be perfected in modern games. Creating combos alongside the summoning mechanic to be able to dish out huge numbers is just pure perfection.

I cannot rate it higher than 4 as long as I have not played this game to completion. Manifesting a remaster of this game to modern consoles

The game’s visuals and the music alone are enough reason to put this game on a pedestal. The job system, albeit more polished in its successor, encourages a variety of play style even in just one play-through. Some notable caveats include the grind of finishing each story, the lack of party interaction, and surprising difficulty spikes.


The flow and presentation of the story mode were adorable. As a racing game, it can be both fun and frustrating. When I was playing this as a kid, I had no idea this had anything to do with Final Fantasy. But ahh here we are.

I became a Bleach fan around the end of 2022 and binge-watched it until I was caught up with the TYBW arc. The anime coming back after years of hiatus piqued my interest getting into this anime.

After falling into the YouTube rabbit hole of Bleach, I stumbled upon this mobile game. It's a gacha game by nature, but the drop rates can be quite forgiving. Easily got my favorite units after a month of playing.

Pokémon X/Y were the first games in the mainline series that transitioned to 3D for the first time. So pretty much a lot of the elements were experimental. The new set of Pokémon introduced were pretty okay, with some becoming my long-time favorites. The gym leaders and Champion were way too easy. The story and villain, on the other hand, were forgettable.

And yes, Mega Evolution comeback when???

A great game for a monster-taming genre. The story is engaging, even if I don’t have an ounce of idea of what the first game was. Gameplay mechanics offer a fun rock-paper-scissor approach, wherein the elements, weapons, and abilities are factors that play an important role in your tactics. Making your monsters — or Monsties, as what they are called in this game — is a unique and very rewarding experience as well.

Played this on PS1. Fun times. While it gets repetitive after a while, gameplay can still keep you on your toes. Fewer Digimons as well compared to its successor.

The in-game sprites were very charming. The story is decent and it does have its own iconic moments. Overall, this is an upgrade from the Gen I games.

One of the first games I bought on my Switch. What a timeless, gorgeous masterpiece. The brush mechanic will always have a place in the hearts of many who played Okami. Though it has its pacing issues at times, the narrative takes you deep into its lore and fun-filled adventure.

Finished this game after 3 hours. Non-stressful and chill. It’s a great game to play after you finished a really lengthy one and before moving on to another AAA game. Nothing too spectacular, but it’s a good game. Mostly birds. 🕊️🦆🦜