Jan 2023: This Month's Games

a public journal of everything i've played this month

any notes should be treated as "first impressions"

Dwarf Fortress
Dwarf Fortress
truly shocking how easy it is to get into this game if you've played one of its many grandchildren. rimworld fans who have heard about the famously intimidating DF should absolutely not hesitate
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
attempted to do a little cosplay run of Rell from League of Legends. difficult in the early hours but you can do a pretty good job of re-creating that gameplay fantasy after you get some levels. really wish they had more earth spells though so i could get a little more funky with the "ferromancy" deal
The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
keeping it short, because my review spoils things: a slice-of-life beat-em-up, a "game with the texture of literature"
Hi-Fi Rush
Hi-Fi Rush
Producer (2021)
Producer (2021)
short, vibe-heavy visual novel. mostly funny, sometimes poignant
Receiver 2
Receiver 2
Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Demon's Tilt
Demon's Tilt
love maximalist video game pinball but even with all the settings tweaked i cant tell what the fuck is going on
Need for Speed: Unbound
Need for Speed: Unbound
i dig the style?
A Space for the Unbound
A Space for the Unbound
it's cute!
Little Lives
Little Lives
does a better job of simulating adult friendships through mechanics than just about anything else i've played. kinda empty, kinda quiet, kinda sad. i dont think the devs were going for this mood but i like it a lot
still kinda prefer overcooked!
No More Heroes
No More Heroes
wish i could see the masterpiece in this but both the gameplay and the story are grating
didnt mind feeling like i had settled on a completely flat siberian island but i bet that'll turn some people off. in any case i think there's a very solid base here but you can blow through all the content in like 2 hrs - give it some time in the oven
The Universim
The Universim
great news for fans of the "4th-wall-breaking attenborough parody"
Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Episode 1 - Legend of the Golden Witch
Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Episode 1 - Legend of the Golden Witch
literally just people introducing themselves for 2 hours
Daigaku Gurashi
Daigaku Gurashi
accidentally simulates the experience of being depressed much better than depression quest, and i'm not joking
Eternal Return
Eternal Return
i'd like to say i'm putting this one down forever because its horribly flawed, but i dont know of anything else like this. also cool to see MOBA characters whose gameplay gimmick is a normal person's day job
Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation - The Endless Seven-Day Journey
Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation - The Endless Seven-Day Journey
shin-chan is too heavy a character for this gameplay format to carry
Youtubers Life 2
Youtubers Life 2
how did they manage to make the youtubing part of the youtuber game so goddamn boring


Arrest of a stone Buddha
Arrest of a stone Buddha
yeo is still great at creating a mood, contrasting the listlessness between missions with the hectic pace during each shootout. the missions are a little too much for my taste, will be coming back to this one though


Rain World
Rain World
poked around in this one a bit and i can see why people would be fascinated by this, but it's not doing anything for me. maybe it's that i don't play many platformers but i'm having a hard time finding myself immersed in this


Vampire Survivors: Legacy of the Moonspell
Vampire Survivors: Legacy of the Moonspell
this thing's existence genuinely feels like a joke


so little stands out about this game mechanically that i can really only remember the roster


Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Episode 2 - Turn of the Golden Witch
Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Episode 2 - Turn of the Golden Witch
the thought of going through this same scene again is going to kill me. also growing concerned that the vibes of this story will be ruined if i'm not already in agreement that witches are so cool

1 Comment

10 months ago

Going to be posting these once a day until I'm caught up (to avoid blowing up the feed), will only be monthly afterwards

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