Probably the most striking visual style I’ve ever seen from a 16 bit game. It floored me in 2011 when I originally got it for the iPhone and still does today. Some of the dialogue is a little dated, but the atmosphere combined with the music and sound design make for a wonderful little 4 hour trip

Really charming game with lots of unique level designs and mechanics, with the personality of the devs really shining through to add little touches and easter eggs. Love this game. Don't think I enjoyed playing a single second of it.

Cute little puzzle box, glad I picked it up the week they let switch online members play for free. Can see why some people would be upset with a full price game with the amount of non dlc content and it being a switch port of a Wii U game. The final level in the bonus levels is the most I've suffered in the past little while.

Bare minimum with minor quality of life improvements. Fine if that's what you went in expecting, depressing if it's not. After being disappointed with ORAS I wasn't really getting my hopes up for this one, but that's ok. Only thing is it's definitely not worth the full 80$ price tag in Canada. Also it's so easy you have to go out of your way to make many dumb little challenges for yourself and even then it's still fairly easy.

Hot damn. Kind of bummed I stopped playing pokemon right when this came out because I definitely would've loved to try out all of their really ambitious local wireless features. Not only is this the best pokemon game, but it manages to push past the mediocrity of regular pokemon to almost have a fighting chance against the jrpg greats. Almost, it's still a pokemon game at its core. Everything is firing on all cylinders, the music is top notch, all the characters are a joy to interact with and have a good amount of weight and urgency to the story, there's a lot of really fun designs to the new mon's and the locations are gorgeous. Really pushing what the ds was able to do right before it died.

Story was confusing, but damn that gameplay. I don’t think any other game can get my heart rate up and blood pumping so consistently. Almost to the point where if I play too much in one sitting I feel over saturated with rage and adrenaline that I need to stop for a bit

Wonderful little game, a lot more jam packed with stuff to explore and npc side storylines than I was expecting. Only real issue is all the walking and backtracking if you’re trying to talk to everyone each day, but I’d say that somehow adds to the day to day lifestyle simulator half of this is. I like to think of it as Life is strange with good dialogue and likable characters. Greg rules ok

I definitely played it. 14 year old me would’ve eaten this shit up, it takes everything 2 had gameplay wise and cranks it up a bit, he also would’ve looked past all the outdated jokes and “fellow kids” antagonists and just had a good time with his pals. Aside from playing this with friends I don’t think I ever would’ve picked it up on my own and finished it. It just wasn’t in me anymore

Nostalgia aside it holds up pretty well, has a lot of charm and I love the color palette

Come escape the monotony of every day life by… huh?….oh no….

The best game I’ve played that I couldn’t recommend to a single soul

Pretty decent easy going 3 player co op game. It came into my life as fast as it went out. Definitely couldn’t ever see myself playing this alone

I can see why people can get addicted

Wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. The combat is as repetitive as any other RPG but damn is it fun and constantly keeps you focused