The weakest game in the series. The story is pointless, the enemies are forgettable and the levels are bland. It has a few good cutscenes and a cool opening boss fight but that's all this game has to offer. Unless you're a diehard fan of the series I wouldn't recommend it.

Fun game to play for a night or two but once you realize how shallow it is it gets old fast.

An awful movie tie-in game. Nothing here worth reccomending


Having never played a Zelda game I bought Tunic thinking it would be the next best thing. I wasn't expecting it to be one of the most mind-melting puzzle games I've ever played. Not a game I would recommend to everyone but if you like puzzle games this might be up your alley.

One of those really charming childhood games that obviously isn't any good but holds a weird place in your heart

Still better than 99% of modern sports games

Used to play this game all the time when I was a kid. I still remember how amazing it felt to finally beat the game with a friend. Played it again recently and it's still as fun as I remember

For a game older than I am it holds up pretty well. I'd probably recommend using guides or hints found online since a lot of the game can be pretty obtuse but I still had a lot of fun with it

Some of the best visuals I've ever seen in a game but the story didn't turn out to be as interesting as I was expecting.

An incredibly fun and addicting arcade cooking game. I'm not usually a fan of these kinds of games but this one had me hooked from beginning to end.


I bought a scalping knife from a shopkeeper thinking I could sell enemy scalps for money. Turns out the developers removed the feature to sell scalps but left the scalping knife in the game. I played through the whole game scalping anyone I could, enemy or not. I scalped confederates, I scalped natives, I scalped allies, I scalped civilians, I scalped anyone I could.

Completely deranged game, I loved it

Fun racing game I used to play all the time as a kid

Used to play this game a ton when I was a kid. While the gameplay feels extremely clunky by today's standards the missions, atmosphere, and soundtrack put many modern FPS games to shame

Terrible gameplay, barebones game modes, and an awful career mode. The PS2-era Madden games blow this one out of the water