Pretty good arcade baseball game. Wish there was a bit more depth in the game modes

The first game I ever played on the PS3. Still remember how amazing the graphics were for the time. The game itself was ok but nothing special.

Criminally underrated game. Loved the gameplay, atmosphere, and music. Would rate it higher but the third act is atrocious.

Not a very good game but a pretty good movie

Used to play it on my GameBoy as a kid. Didn't really like it

I still remember playing this game on my GameBoy on the way to school.

Still a pretty fun game after all these years

Certainly not the worst game I've ever played but there's nothing here you can't find in other, better games

The Room of Videogames. Played the whole thing with a friend and we laughed all the way to the end.

My favorite FPS of all time. Played it for the first time as a kid and it gets better with every replay

Great game on mobile. Shame they deleted it.

The baseball game of my dreams

My favorite stealth game of all time and easily the pinnacle of the Hitman franchise

One of the most unique games ever made. Amazing levels, music and atmosphere