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Thoughts on this game barely changed, I didn’t hate abby this time but I still don’t give a flying fuck about her or any of the other characters aside from joel, ellie & tommy.
Shame because every aspect apart from story and characters is god tier, the gameplay is probably my favourite ever.

EDIT: even though i don't hate abby and completely understand why she wanted to kill joel she is just so boring she lacks personality shes not interesting AT ALL

Every time i think about how boring the characters are in this game i go back to Part 1 and every character you meet on that journey is interesting
The main reason people love the first game is the joel & ellie pairing and now because joels dead that pair is gone and can now only be seen in flashbacks which were all done really well but the problem is that there was no interesting pairings like that in this game. obviously creating a duo of that level is gonna be difficult since its an all timer but the ones in this game are just so dull. dina is likeable but not interesting, they didn't give jesse much to do and i also felt tommy was underused, i would've loved ellie and tommy as a pairing.
abby & lev felt like a b-tec version of joel+ellie from first game some people loved it but unfortunately it didnt work for me as i dont find abby interesting but lev was cool.

best uncharted ive played so far
embarrassing how frustrating this game can be, they basically just dump every single enemy type on you all at the same time.
glad we got more sully in this one
fuck the cover system once again
fuck you AI grenade spammers

best game of the series
alot more story focused than the rest, some sections of the game went a little too long without a combat encounter.
first half was amazing
it was when they get to the island which was around chap 14/15 my enjoyment of the game decreased quite a bit. way less action until the end where it picks up again with the combat.
sam was a great addition
puzzles were way less annoying thank you devs

Truly a game that was ahead of its time, especially in the story department.
One thing I had forgotten about this game was how fucking good the dialogue is, I honestly thinks its on the same tier as rdr2 for dialogue. Also this game does humour better than the prequel.
That satisfying blood splatter effects >>
The Bonnie missions at the start were boring but makes sense to why they are in the game i just didn't find them entertaining. At least from these missions we got some great conversations between John and her.
I love how RDR2 makes RDR1 better & vice versa.
Overall RDR is one of the greatest single player games ever made and definitely one of my favourites after this replay.

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Rat King origin story nice

enjoyable enough i guess.
puzzles were god awful and some sections of the game were horribly designed ( final level was ridiculous )
surprisingly liked the combat even though the violence in the uncharted franchise is that of a pg 13 movie which i hate, i just love my detailed gore in games too much but i understand uncharted isnt going for that approach since the series is more light hearted
edit: cover system and jet ski missions = liquid poop

good game, definitely better than the first. the story & set pieces were more exciting and parkour felt more fluid.
cover system is still dogshit
the enemy nades were way too op
theres a tiny portion of the game where it turns into some puzzle platformer and i hated those sections which made these parts even worse was that nate & tenzin dont speak same language so there was no back and forth dialogue which wouldve made these missions less boring.
the puzzles in these games are so bad and fuck with the pacing

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the story was not as good as 2018s for me and that was always gonna be hard to do but everything else is pretty much an upgrade
playing as atreus was fine, usually his sections were WAY slower especially that angrboda level which is decent but needed better pacing.
i think i just appreciated the focus on father/son relationship in 2018s GoW, whereas this one has alot more on its plate and while kratos and atreus's relationship is still a focus it just didnt hit the same for me here

Great combat
Love the music some of those episode endings went hard and Bowie Space Oddity to top it all off 😮‍💨

Gameplay great fun but I cannot connect with the story or these characters at all and they are just so so boring with no charm whatsoever

Fun game even if the controls were a bit wonky and the fucking absolutely stinky doo doo inventory system
Co-op is a great time

Fun gunplay , slick dialogue and depressed cool protagonist? I love it and i stress that we need more noir games

This was so disappointing but I think they gave it an update in hopes of making the game a little better
I haven’t tried this new version yet but I plan to