If only the performance were better.... story, characters, new mons, lots of good stuff going on. It's the most time I've spent with a single Pokemon game since I was a kid. Tera is by far the best gimmick we've ever had, and I will miss it dearly.

Note of Bias: I have an inhuman tolerance for games performing badly, as long as my data is not destroyed, I really don't care.

An interesting new take on the franchise! There's a lot of cool things, characters, details. The skybox & environments look nice, and the world exploration is cool. My big gripe is that the new combat style doesn't feel very thought out. Getting KO'd by Pokemon 10+ levels beneath me in 1 shot doesn't feel like an earned difficulty, but a balance issue. Speed is king here, and basically every fight is over in one shot. The limited movepool isn't really a huge issue, if there was more room for strategizing. Ultimately, I feel catching is amazing & battling feels bad.

Fun, neat, cute. Princess Peach is a badass. I thought it was interesting how they devised different play styles of levels / puzzles, even though it's a very simple game.

It's Princess Peach so auto 5/5 from me, chief.

Full of style & great ideas, it was fun to finally play this. There's a lot of fun companions and interesting locales, chapter 7 was def my favorite. Overall, I felt that the game is a bit tedious, though its parts are solid on their own.

This game had me in an absolute vice grip. The art, music, combat is all exceptional. It's an homage to older rpg's, but maintains its own essence well. There are hints of FMA, Berserk, and NGE for fans of anime, while also having some feel of FFVI / Chrono Trigger. This game really outdoes itself on all fronts, and I had an absolute blast with it.

Beginning pacing is horrible. 30 hours of little going on. Rex is one of my all time most hated protagonists. The cringe in this game is strong, but the second half comes back for redemption, and gameplay is great.

Interesting! More of what I've come to love about Alan Wake, Sam Lake, & Remedy's mind bending insanity. The first episode was hilarious to me, it was a really silly what if. The second episode was interesting, but maybe didn't reach its full potential? The third though, had my brain melting. An interesting & trippy mind blend of various mediums, and I loved that.

Honestly, sometimes this game is quite funny.
But it still sucks.

The lore is nonsensical, and the nemesis system is such an interesting failure of an idea. It was not even remotely fun fighting enemies, where you have the power of the witch kings, but it takes 2850 hits to kill 1 orc who will run away with 20% health and then double the amount of hits it can take the next time you encounter it. I don't see the appeal.

Just an absolute masterpiece. Discovering this set me upon a vast journey of laughs & tears. It's quickly become, possibly my favorite franchise in video games.

Incredible piece of art. The music, art, characters are all beautiful. This game takes you down a winding path and narrative that spans time & space. It is incredibly brilliant, and one of the best pieces of narrative in any game I've ever played.

The characters are great. End game patches go hard. Yotsuyu is one of my faves ever.