Probably one of the longest video game memoirs about game developer coming out as gay

Kane just my dad after that Giants game against the Seahawks back in 2013. literally changed his life and mindset

The fact that rabbi, looking NPC drop more money near synagogue just shows an Era of Rockstar were never gonna get back.

learning that this is Zachtronics last game and yet it's the very first game I played by them is very sad. don't know why but looking at their old stuff seems neat hope to play them

This game perfectly reflects of, what it's like to play god with the Ants

Instead of Slavs ruining your day. You're getting aids instead

At this point in the series Chris character is just being an abuse husband towards Ethan

Decided to replay Spec Ops: The Line today in one sitting in honor of BurakBMA for single handle making one of the greatest & funniest reviews on this website. Literally the gaming equivalent to "This happen to my buddy Eric" a true God amongst the us....God I miss him

Was playing this last night. At my local gamestop, playing on the Nintendo demo setup. while being in the influence of alcohol. was a fun night

Bought this game at full price. Later learn has a monthly subscription fee. Buy monthly subscription fee yet haven't even opened the game. Repeat process for Three more months. Still haven't open the game. This is greatest pyramid scheme I seen yet