Henry the type of guy who takes benzo, while being on the front page of a incel forum talking about how much he loves The matrix reloaded
Big props to team silent for capturing a guy on /R9k/ threads

"video games aren't art" - Hideo Kojima

to the people that said "It's ok" how much did they pay you

God now I wanna be a general, and conquer countries

Decent gameplay but really boring ass story

Taliyah and Qiyana my beloved... Why do you two have to be trap in this Godawful ass game

Yep I'm at my lowest point of my life

9-5 wage slave schizo tries to save his wife from being sacrifice by fighting off mother teresa, and her heartless underlings

Holy shit that 2001 leak is fucking amazing. this could have been crisis before crisis

society should have felled right here

this should have been the last game ever made

Can confirm as a former postal, worker. this is what it's like