i'll mark this as "completed" once i have made a character of each class, fully leveled.

this is my favorite game ever, and my first mmorpg. ragnarok online is quite a party-based mmorpg that has plenty of kind players with an incredible soundtrack and great character customization (at least in the servers i've played). a game in which i can really enjoy the grind and just the scenery in general, i really like taking screenshots of the many places ro has to offer with my characters.

i enjoy the aspect of partying up to raid a dungeon a ton, it's always super fun, it's also very fun to kill hard mvps with your party, it is practically impossible to do it solo so there's strategy involved.

if there is a complain i would make, it would be 2:
- the UI scaling
- the massive incompetence of gravity as a whole

really good halo game, while it's honestly quite different from reach (game which i for some reason tend to take in comparison whenever playing a different halo game), i liked it a lot, story is really cool, and that's as much as i played of it, while i haven't checked out multiplayer and i can't remember much of the soundtrack (but i'm positive that it is good).

i gotta replay it

this was my first touhou game, and omg it was really fun, i honestly got a bit spoiled on how fast i can deathbomb but that aside

super good music, fairly challenging, honestly i really liked the mechanic of switching characters.
just liked it and enjoyed it a lot overall

lovely game, funny to stream lol, played this when i was like 8, and holy what a blast it's always been every time i replayed it. music's good for the game.

this is a game i'd replay every few years

i have such a fucking blast playing this game, love this rogue-like, when i started playing it i found a lot of charm in the artstyle it has, soundtrack is very good for the game.

honestly, quite difficult at start, but i find it an easy game to learn, in terms of how everything works that is. synergies and all are easy to cook, i honestly can't wait until more dlc drops so there's more alternatives to the few endings there is.

always super fun when played with a bunch of friends, i'll replay this almost at any time honestly

this was my first sonic game ever really, played this when i was like 10, and i enjoyed it a ton, soundtrack is great, gameplay didn't have me any bored.

last levels have such a damn good ambient and environment and, i honestly can't describe how cool it is, it's perfectly fitting with the story, i honestly just can't get enough of how cool the final section is.

i'll definitely replay this game

there's nothing bad to be said about pvz

childhood favorite, incredible music, great tower defense, it's a game i often replay, and not for nostalgia.

i'll replay it out of love for many times to come


such a good rogue-lite, challenging at first but once getting upgrades and unlocks and learning the game more it becomes just more fun really.

the dialogue is insanely good, i rarely ever skip any interactions with olympus messages. music is super enjoyable when playing the game and it's just super good overall, this is a game i'd really like to 100%

tales of berseria was the second tales of series game that i have ever played, tales of symphonia being my first. this game's story, cast, was great. the music was good. the combat system isn't as fun as symphonia but i got around it. this will definitely be a game i'll replay :3

what a sick fucking character velvet is

my first halo game, which i absolutely loved. i played this when i was around 10 years old and there just wasn't really a single thing i disliked about reach, great multiplayer, story was good, custom matches were a blast, i think this will remain for me as the best halo game

classic. the most difficult metal slug game of all, everything about this game is good

This review contains spoilers

SPOILERS!!!!!!!!! may be a little biased because i played this game about 10 years ago, but honestly just such a good game, loved the story and a lot of the characters, mechanics like ex-skills, cooking and unison attacks are great, and i find the hidden affection system quite neat, though it's a little hard to get around. this game to me is very much replayable and it makes a lot of sense why the grade shop exists, since mania is genuinely impossible without it.

also abyssion is my favorite secret boss battle ever