Pretty art and a quite-compelling story. I like Amy as the protagonist and there's some very dark parts of the game that are complemented by the masterful use of mood. The story is competent although let down by its own ending. A pretty solid point and click adventure.

Great music and story. It's a game that crafts a fantastic world with a compelling cast of characters with a neat plot to go with it. The exploration can get a little finicky at times, but switching between characters and going about the world is fun. There's a lot of post-game stuff to do and find and it's really a great experience even with the departure from traditional RPG style gameplay.

Worth it for the novelty alone. The girls are constantly fighting. There's more plot than you expect there to be. It's grindy, it's not very good, but the funny voice acting and the weirdness of it all is actually pretty worth it. The soundtrack is a fuckin jam and goes harder than it has any right doing.

Very fun, very addicting. Lots to do and thinking "I'll just do one more turn" is the greatest lie this game will ever make you say to yourself.

Very cute tycoon game! Standard fare and familiar systems in use make it easy to get into if you've played tycoon games before. It's quite fun.

I found the characters so, so grating and annoying I had to put the game down. I didn't enjoy the gameplay at all either. After having this hyped up as some sort of masterpiece I was sorely disappointed.

Beautiful presentation and lovely mood. The story is very intriguing and the atmosphere and storytelling is spectacular.

It's great if you need snakes to start manifesting inside the room in a pinch.

I really love being able to choose my towers and the maps are pretty fun. Probably my favorite of the series, a great tower defense game.

eating moldy bread is a better activity than playing this game

Playing this game as an experience is what it feels like as if you were a Butch Hartman drawing and you became sentient.

King Roland is my bitch

Pikachu removed a load-bearing pillar in my house and personally insulted my way of life.

The gameplay is annoying and not very rewarding because the Gaddgets are for the most part play-it-once-and-never-again. The graphics are quite pleasant but other than that there's nothing else to this game. It's alright if you're into masochism I guess.

Wonderful game. Full of charm wit with fun gameplay and a lovely soundtrack and visuals to boot. One of the few RPGs where each action in battle feels like it counts, even on normal battles during the main story.