10 reviews liked by kasokaos

Baldur’s Gate 3 once again proving that secret to making the perfect game is putting bunch of weirdos together and make them face a world/universe ending scenario.



como diabos acha a pagina secreta do ogro???

I can finally call Destiny 2 a good game.

Not because of its incredible narrative, or its dense, intricate world-building. Not for its fun and creative sandbox or its satisfying gunplay. Not for its graphics, art, or sound design.

No, I can finally call Destiny 2 a good game because it has fishing in it.

Women want me.
Cabal fear me.
Fallen fear me.
Vex fear me.
Drifter wants me.
Scorn fear me.
Taken fear me.
Fish fear me.

This review was written before the game released

Breath of the Wild walked so Tears of the Kingdom could strap 500 rockets to itself and take off, this game is incredible

would be a lot better if it actually worked but im sure you know that already

I bought this game 7 times on 7 different platforms, that's how good it is

My cousin bait and switched me into wasting years of my life

my brother used turbo controller to get the plat

Inner agent 3 was pure pain, agony even