Project: Playtime is a very fun multiplayer title, and while Phase 2: Incineration is absolutely a great update that adds a lot of new and exciting content, the amount of bugs it launched with was insane. It's certainly not near the same amount the game initially launched with back in December, but it's still a staggering amount--I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though, given they're an indie team. Bugs are bound to occur when a game is released.

The Toybox added a lot of fun cosmetics, emotes, and so forth, alongside a new "Collage Puzzle" launching with the update. A brand new map also joined the roster, which is a lot of fun but very unoptimized and graphically intense.

Overall, it's a good update! I just hope MOB Entertainment are able to fix a lot of these issues within the coming weeks of this review being written.


While the gameplay is very boring and dull at times, it still managed to be fun in the horror segments and with the beautiful immersion of the world around the player. The sound design, graphics, and the story all work together to create an exciting experience for the most part.

Bendy and the Dark Revival is everything Bendy and the Ink Machine should've been and more! It's a huge step up in all departments - gameplay, story, graphics, etc. etc.

The prequel suffered from a lack of meaningful gameplay that often just felt like a walking simulator. In this game, however, they've gone ahead and added tons of collectibles and crafting items, alongside actual abilities that enhance the gameplay and call for fun puzzles and ever so slightly better combat - which, to be honest, hasn't evolved much at all since the previous game.

While the graphics in the first game were excellent, Bendy and the Dark Revival's visuals are outstanding. The environments are beautiful and fun to explore, with tons of awesome lore and story elements to discover. Additionally, the game actually has quite a few good scares that puts the original game to shame - not that it had many good scares anyway.

I definitely recommend this game to all who like horror/puzzle games. It's a great experience!

After playing a few hours of this game, it's gotten to the point where I just do not want to continue. It's not too difficult or anything - just a tad repetitive and boring. Every level felt practically the exact same. Of course, there is a skill tree that allows said levels to become a tad more interesting, but the abilities don't add a ton to the gameplay itself.

Personally, I found myself enjoying the game at times, but never found it too rewarding or anything. The story was there but never too heavily focused on and the main hub world was bland and practically unimportant at every turn.

This game had a ton of potential, it just didn't exactly hit the mark.

Tealerland is easily one of my favorite FNaF fangames out there. The gameplay is your standard point-and-click survival shtick, but it has an incredibly unsettling atmosphere with unique game mechanics, removing the standard camera system from the game altogether.

I highly recommend this incredibly fun and intense game!


I thoroughly enjoyed this game. The visuals are stunning, while the world and it's characters are filled with personality and adventure.

However, I did find myself disappointed at times due to the game sticking with a more linear experience -- which is fine! Linearity is a perfectly fine gameplay style, especially in a story-driven game like this. I just wish you could stray from the main plotline a bit, explore and really take in the large city you are presented with. Luckily, you are able to collect "memories" of the world from years past, which allows you to explore a little bit, just not enough.

Overall, it was a super fun experience, albeit somewhat boring at times. I definitely recommend it to those who enjoy story-driven games with excellent characters and fun chase scenes, with interesting lore to boot.

A super fun sequel to the original. It sticks with the basics of the first game and improves upon them exponentially with new mechanics, a larger roster of spaces to construct parks in, alongside brand new dinosaur types, such as aquatic and airborne creatures.
I'll admit, though, that the campaign was a tad boring. All of the different characters were fun, but it was practically the same mission over and over again with almost no differentially.

Despite the various controversies, chapter 2 is a spectacular second entry that outdid the first in every possible way. The gameplay has improved drastically, from unique and difficult puzzles, to more incredible chase scenes, to collectibles and more.
Throughout the chapter, the player is presented with various characters such as Poppy herself and the chapter's main antagonist, Mommy Long Legs, who are both portrayed beautifully by both the voice actors and the incredible animations applied to them.
This chapter has absolutely solidified Poppy Playtime as a title I am very much looking forward to seeing more of. I highly recommend checking chapter 2 out.

Poppy Playtime is practically just a pricey demo that only lasts for 30 or so minutes. However, the gameplay is decently fun due to the main mechanic, the GrabPack. The first chapter is incredibly short, but it sets up for an interesting second chapter and so forth.

An excellent game with an intriguing story and fun gameplay. The puzzles make you think and the visuals are well made. Additionally, the soundtrack is amazingly composed, with great, original songs produced for the game's characters.

Bendy is a pretty decent game. For the majority of the experience, it resembled that of a walking simulator, but managed to keep me intrigued through an interesting story and excellent visuals.

An impactful game with an amazing story and visuals, alongside fun and engaging gameplay.