Really really fun. The side missions were much better than the main game. Also, it at least has great augs, which is one of the things the OG Deus Ex lacked

Clearly a step up from the previous game although I still got tired in the later half. The first half of this felt like the best FPS I've ever played, and normally I'm not big on FPS games, so I'll be generous with the rating

Edit: Turning HDR off probably would've helped my eyes... going through the levels again after that I think my rating is gonna stick

So that's the best game ever huh?

Put Royal on PC pls this game looks blurry af

Good to try if you want a headache

Overrated now, too many cutscenes tbh. Worth for bw2 tho

Love Valve games but this was underwhelming. Kinda repetitive and mindless

Peaked in 2016. Mercy is still fun caused I'm a heal slut lol

Nearly 7 years and I finally beat it. The gameplay is good for its genre, but clearly I didn't care much for the story....

While some may say that HGSS makes this obsolute, Gold still has soul, and was very ambitious for its time

I like the power-ups. Spikes and pits suck. And no slide?

Disappointing compared to Emerald, but still the best 3d pokemon game

I remember dropping this game after 2 gyms when it came out. Around the time Pokemon GO came out I picked it back up and liked it just fine. The difficulty is set pretty low and the aesthetics are bland, but Pokemon Y still introduced some cool things. I got pretty into the online before gen 7 came out, and the regional dex is one of the strongest in pokemon. That's more to say compared to let's go and USUM...

Gave it away to a friend cause I didn't care very much after beating it lol