Fun game, I like the story/characters. However, I dont think my fingers will ever recover from the controls

First souls game I've played since DS1 that really hit the same itch. Even after the break I took in the middle until I upgraded my pc, it was too easy to get hooked back in. Will be back for the DLC!

BOTW did it first, and I do miss some of the abilities from that game. However, 90% of the shortcomings that the previous game are remedied in this game imo. I think it's the best game I've played on the Switch and a top 2 zelda now

The first 60% of the game was a mixed bag but after that things really got going (both story and gameplay wise, I binged the rest of the game in a week). Very satisfying experience!

A 6/10 seems too harsh but a 7/10 doesn't feel accurate for me. Either way, not really my thing...

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Things I definitely preferred in each version:
Re4 (2005)
- I like the campy tone more. They didn't take the dumb story too seriously
- While you can't move and shoot, aiming and running on their own feel snappier and more satisfying
- Leon, Ada, and basically all of the antagonists are more fun and memorable
- better pacing, no extra fluff in the main story and levels
- it came out first... unlike the first 3 games I really wasn't gunning for a remake of this game so I got a bias in that department
- some of the cut content from the remake like the fire room are cool
Re4 (2023)
- the character of both Ashley and Luis are handled better
- better music, with the option to use original
- graphics and controls are technically better. both crouching and knife parry are welcome additions
- side modes like mercenaries and separate ways are expanded and definitely better
- re4 remake added side quests. technically more content and isn't forced, but the quality of the side quests are generic MMO tier
- re4 remake is harder (I played on hardcore too) and throws more enemies and smarter AI at you to accommodate for your ability to move and shoot. It can be more rewarding and thrilling, but a lot of the times I was really frustrated. Also had to use a controller, my mouse sensitivity sucked...
- Quick time events are removed. They could be annoying in the original but they had their place. At least they replaced most of those scenes with real gameplay like the first Krauser encounter
- story is still dumb and takes itself more seriously. I said I prefer the goofier tone of the original. However, the story in this version is technically more developed and makes more sense than the original
I was put off early on, and I'd still definitely say that I prefer the og a bit more. That game is impossible to recapture. However, by the time I actually finished this game, I was really satisfied, and deemed this remake to be another high quality entry to the franchise. It is great in its own right, and without my bias and experiences with the original, I'm sure I'd be less averse to singing more praise. I'd still suggest newcomers to play the original first. If they are new to the franchise, the original or re2r are better to start with imo

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Saw the credits. I'll take a break and save Louie after playing other games lol

The gameplay is fun, but trying to follow the story is like taking a Xavier Renegade Angel episode seriously

Gave it another shot on NSO. Actually still fun even though it doesn't stand up to its legacy. Some levels were really frustrating. Kinda like the original movie, you gotta sit back, relax, and embrace it for what it is!

Potentially one of the best Pokemon games with many great steps in the right direction. Inside you have a 8 or even a 9/10 game but given the technical issues it's more of a 6 or 7/10 game which is very frustrating. The most significant issues related to performance, glitches and removed features such as set mode could be patched but knowing Nintendo/Game Freak I doubt that a sufficient patch will be released

Another great entry but probably the weakest so far in terms of story. The gameplay mechanics and graphics are consistent with 2, but everything else is a big step down