184 Reviews liked by kelxia

This game is my favourite ps2 game of all time.
Sony never peaked like this in generations.
I wish Sony could drop horizon and the terribly boring "real life gaming"and just make good game like this for once

This review was written before the game released

She elden on my ring till i'm far fromsoft

she's kind of like me (unemployed as hell and delusional)

Boy, do I love listening to the same three terrible soundtracks for hundreds of hours.

Do you enjoy aimless stories?
Do you enjoy pointless and over-the-top rape scenes in every second chapter?
Do you enjoy characters changing their mind after listening to redditor villains?
Do you enjoy endless exposition about irrelevant shit?
Do you enjoy your cast being full of flat characters?
Do you enjoy neverending lectures regarding swordsmanship in the middle of a fight?
Do you enjoy said fights being decided by random asspulls?
Do you enjoy every single chapter ending in the same identical manner?
Do you enjoy small screen resolution?
Do you enjoy reading from even smaller text box?
Do you enjoy your main characters falling in love with little girls at first sight?
Do you enjoy little schoogirls beating elite soldiers to death with bare hands?
Do you enjoy edgelords perpetually wallowing in self-hatred?
Do you enjoy forcefully thrown flashbacks that add virtually nothing?
Do you enjoy hyper generic and tone deaf vocal tracks?
Do you enjoy dilemma being resolved with cop-outs?
Do you enjoy random CGs and backgrounds that tell you nothing aside from people having figures?
Do you enjoy 'caricature villain of the chapter' plot structure?
Do you enjoy every single sorry excuse of an antagonist dying immediately after they do something minor?
Do you enjoy stories about heroism where there is not a single character representing the population?
Do you enjoy adult trying to act like an animal by writing a poem while fucking a schoolgirl?
Do you enjoy juxtaposition being presented as some deep argument?
Do you enjoy themes set-up in initial chapters never being brought up ever again?
Do you enjoy non-main characters looking and being bland?
Do you enjoy 'I am not like other girls' route system?
Do you enjoy choice system that does opposite of what is generally done and considers itself as subversion?
Do you enjoy said 'subversion' (of harem tropes, allegedly by some readers) having literally zero cohesion and correlation to this story's narrative?
Do you enjoy climax of your choices being off-screened and bearing zero consequences?
Do you enjoy a curse that kills closed ones attached to a person who does not know a single person and has no attachments whatsoever?
Do you enjoy plot randomly making up jobbers just for MC to bypass the curse?
Do you enjoy plot for some reason demanding from the cursed to kill people he just met instead of you know, people he has been chilling with at government?
Do you enjoy relatively grounded and self-serious stories snowballing into Dragon Ball?
Do you enjoy routes being heroine centric and abandoning literally everyone else?
Do you enjoy sprites that do not ever move?
Do you enjoy lack of dynamics and dialogue not having a semblance of interesting or/and likable conversations and banter?
Do you enjoy 3D toy transformations?
Do you enjoy repetitive and flashy closed-up special effects?

Then this product is for YOU!
(Special cheers to people who enjoy it for being funny rather than considering it as something 2deep4u and well-written, though)

This is better than Super, I'm sorry I'm right.

Is to Alien what Palworld is to Pokemon

Early games boring, Mid game is great, Late game is boring.

I have severe bleach brain rot. Everytime Zangetsu showed up I soy pointed

Day 2 Still haven't managed to convince a single friend of mine to play it with me

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall righty then, chatroom

the white girl's elden ring

A masterpiece I cannot recommend to anyone.
Such is the law of balance.

Tears in my eyes. When Kageaki says "This man is as pure a racist as i've ever meet" after he see an Anglo, I knew hes the realest one