this is..... certainly something

the use of dynamic music was beautiful

Stopped giving a shit the minute I hit the wall

i got the anti-zionist ending lol

genuinely might show this to my friends as an example of great VN

It's fun! Pacman for people with chase anxiety.

so hard :')

cute cgs but the actual levels look ugly... doodlejump core.

Really fantastically dense, probably my favourite mii-game. Reached credits at 35hr, and that was me rushing through. Still so much to see!

the writing is the best part for me- so funny and characterful in a way that modern mario titles aren't. combat is unique, but I just don't have the skill for it!

completed mobile, kind of stucks compared to pc

remembered i hate card battle games lol.

brutal difficulty at first, but once I was a few days in i had a safety net of supplies to rely on. still, i cannot stress how under the wire it felt, with my hunger always seemingly being in the red.

progress is slow and navigating without running is painful. i consider this a feature not a bug but my god i feel like i spend most my time running back to camp while keith complains about how tired he is. gameplay loop would get me addicted for a few hours but then i'd run out of inventory space or do furniture crafting and be completlely pulled out of The Zone.

it's very interesting how this game treats interactions with Skye as a kind of wife raising sim- she has zero agency and it feels like caring for a baby at times. i'm sure this is the desired effect for the straight guys this game was made for but i found it a mixture of funny and terrifyingly anti-feminist.

that said, the mechanic of guiding her and the little slap of hand on hand as you pull her up a log, to be deeply tender and a highlight of the game for me.

It's sonic! And it sounds like Jet Set Radio!

Played this as a child but revisted and man this is boring.