14 reviews liked by kenzhie

Masterpiece of a game that tells a impactful emotional story and has amazing combat and bosses!

A incredible experience and story that deserves all the praise and critical acclaim!

Very relaxing and chill game to play with friends! Fun variety in levels and plenty of challenges and bonus content.

While the story is nothing ground breaking the setting and enemy designs mixed with some pretty satisfying combat make this a good time! I do also wish the game was fully committed to more of a horror game than a action/horror experience.

One of the most enjoyable and important games i have and possibly will ever play. From the visuals to the world building to the dark subject matters this game touches on and so many different views and subjects that it will go down in history as one of the best games ever made.

CD PROJEKT RED Thank you for all the hard work and dedication that went into The Witcher 3 <3

Thank you for making a game that i played for almost seven full months straight in 2017.

A perfect example on how gaming can tell a enjoyable and emotional and larger than life story!

My first experience with the Final Fantasy series and what a great first time experience it was. Wonderful emotionally well written storytelling in a world that felt deep in lore and interesting and well designed locations and characters.

Gameplay felt flawless with fast paced combat and gorgeous visuals. The main menu theme sets the tone of the game perfectly with a beautiful Original soundtrack.
Highly recommend!

One of my favourites in the series!



Jill sandwich game was good although it's missing the clock tower section from the original game! The encounters with Nemesis are top tier!

Lady D awoke something inside of me!