Well, they made the best Katamari game slightly better! Better framerate, a fine graphic update (although you can switch it back to the old look, which is appreciated), some good QoL changes, auto-save!!, pretty lazy-but-better-than-nothing new courses, and a wider selection of tunes with the (overpriced) DLC. The game itself is still truly great. Even though Keita didn't want to do a sequel I'm so glad he was involved with at least one of them. Some great courses, worlds, and especially tunes. I seriously think the soundtrack to this game is better than the original.

A few tiny irks with the remaster primarily involve audio differences, the draw distance, and the way the sea looks with the new graphics. But that doesn't distract me at all from giving my emotional 5/5 rating.

Keita's reluctant return to the game he created led to perhaps one of the most enjoyable games of all time, and definitely one of the most improved sequels to what was already an amazing game. So much new ways to use the Katamari, so much new levels full of personality, so much quality of life improvments, so much great new tracks (shoutout to Bluffing Damacy, a beautiful track about the King's alcoholism), so much everything. I love the fact that the game's plot, aside from the King's backstory, is just "we want more Katamari!" And so, the King gave his fans more Katamari. This whole game is just fan service. Even if Keita didn't want to make it, he at least wanted us to enjoy it, dammit. Even if we have to roll up 1 million roses in the process.

I was always worried that WarioWare would be a perfect video game series, releasing banger after banger, so I'm glad this one sucked ass. No one could handle such a thing as a perfect franchise.

Reviewing the compilation itself, not the actual games. All three games are obviously excellent and probably at least 4.5 stars.

There's uh... complete soundtracks. That's nice. Um... widescreen Sunshine. That's nice. And uhhh... Super Mario Galaxy no longer requires motion controls. That's nice. Using the touch screen as a star bit grabber in Galaxy is a lot more fun than I thought it'd be.

Couldn't do widescreen 64? Was it too hard to do? Couldn't include Galaxy 2? Was it too hard to port? It's so strange.

Bought pre-owned for $45. Refused to ever get this for the full $60. I'll definitely love playing the games in here but I will keep dreaming for a day when Nintendo gives a shit about game compilations again.

Great remake of the original, which I've never played but can tell from YouTube videos of the original that they made Reroll as faithful as possible, in Unity even!

The graphics barely changed, thank god. The only really identifiable change was making The Prince and the cousins more expressive and faithful to Keita Takahashi's art style, which is nice. Music is as always on point, this soundtrack is one of the all time greats for a reason. Controls were apparently improved to be like the rest of the Katamari series, but I've never played the original so I don't know how bad it initially was. The normal control scheme has a bit of a learning curve, but after ya learn it it gets real fun to maneuver. Just don't be an idiot like me and go backwards, forgetting you can do a quick flip.

I do feel this remaster is... a little too faithful. Absolutely no quality of life additions from even just the next game in the Katamari series, We Love Katamari (which I've been playing on a PS2 emulator recently), were added, like a replay level button (which is why the cow and bear levels in this game are far more agonizing than the CowBear stage in WLK), changing the background track, or playing as the cousins in single player. And having to make sure you save is a little archaic nowadays. Seems like the only new features they added were a simpler control scheme option (which is fine), and a motion control option for the Joycons (which is not fine).

This game is perfect for the Nintendo Switch, I feel. Perfect kind of grab and go game, even if some stages wind up taking like 25 minutes to complete. I feel like We Love Katamari, with its wide variety of stages and shorter level times, would be even better. So please do a We Still Love Katamari, Bandai Namco. I'll buy it full price.