World: Iceborne, the Monster Hunter game that gave the franchise the spotlight it deserved! The game is truly good. Monster Hunter is never a graphical beauty kind of game since most of its previous games are playable in handheld consoles, and yet MH made a big comeback to the home console scene and for the first time ever, the PC scene. With them entering a new hardware they finally went all out with the graphics, it is beautiful a monster hunter game that is so detailed and yet so beautiful. The story for World and Iceborne is pretty actually well-written, yes, its not RDR kind of story but it is a pretty decent one for the franchise. It finally has NPC talking to you like they are actually part of the hunt and they feel alive which is pretty neat. The story still has that MH formula with you hunt down a flagship monster but there is a bigger and bader one, but the continuation of the story is pretty good. The combat is pretty fucking sick! It's one of the greatest combat in all of the franchise coming second is Rise. Every combo feels like you are doing Hunter Arts (MHGU) and if you time it perfectly well you will have the most satisfying hunt of all time. The combat and the weapons for the game is pretty well-balanced and I must say World and Iceborne has got to be top 1 best combat in all of the franchise. The only downside of this game is the weapon designs, it sucks ass, Its just barebones tape together to a piece of metal. All of the previous MH has beautiful and awesome looking weapons but in this game its so trash no inspiration at all, though the armor sets looks nice. The new monsters for this game is pretty good too, some are just straight up dinosaurs and some are actually pretty good and fighting them feels like an actual fight. Overall, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is a great Monster Hunter game and a solid game. It might have a less monster hunter-ish feel to it but nonetheless its pretty great!

This sequel rocks, they fixed all the things that I don't like in the first Left 4 Dead, more new weapons! more new special infected zombies! and more maps! Great stuff. The story is nothing special just survive all the way through with your other three survivors, and again, the dialogues in this game is good. Every character interaction is good and enjoyable. L4D2 is really a good game especially with friends. Left 4 Dead 2 a solid zombie survival game.

This one, Left 4 Dead is an amazing Co-op survival zombie game. It constructed a solid co-op experience from the start and up till now L4D is still one of the greatest co-op survival zombie game you can experience right now and for a cheap price, especially during Steam sales. The story of L4D is very simple, just four survivors trying to get to a safe zone, or get rescued. However, the story may not be that great but what great is, is the character dialogue, the character dialogues in this game is good even for a game from 2007 the NPC felt real even if you are playing the single player mode. All of the interactions and cheeky jokes felt so real and that's what makes L4D's characters and story good. Overall. Left 4 Dead is a quite of an enjoyable experience and very fun especially with friends! The graphics ain't that bad for a 2007 game the only downside for me is that it lacks weapon choices, but we all know the sequel will make up to that. Left 4 Dead is a good game and 100% recommendable. PS bring friends.

Monster Hunter will forever be a part of my life.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, the 4th generation of Monster Hunter is the wildest and innovative game in the franchise. It gave us a lot of new gameplay mechanics and added new things into the franchise without losing its Monster Hunter essence. First, let's talk about how 4 ultimate introduced us their first take on an actual gameplay cutscene, yes that's right, cutscenes and no not the introduce a monster type scene. A full on game with characters having dialogues and telling an actual story. A Monster Hunter with an amazing story, yes! 4 Ultimate will forever hold that title, since 4U is the very first Monster Hunter game that has an amazing storyline, it still has that Monster Hunter formula in the story but it gave us a well-written story between the flagship monster and our hunter including the npc characters in the story. Another thing 4U has introduced was the two new weapons, the Insect Glaive and the Charge Blade. Surprisingly, both weapons are a great addition to the game since you can know play a different playstyle, both weapons are crazy and unique. The Insect glaive can perform aerial attacks and not just aerial attacks but it can make you keep up with flying monsters in an aerial battle! Charge Blade on the other hand is not your average giant sword and shield, it can also turn into an big axe that feels like a chainsaw, it sacrifice its defense when it changes into an axe but for a bigger and better damage! Let's talk about the gameplay, 4U introduced us into a new fun way to hunt by making Hunters mount these giant beasts and if successful you can take down and disable it for a few seconds so you can deal more damage into the monsters, I enjoyed every second of a quest in 4U since every battle feels new. Those little additions to the game was cool and made the game more enjoyable. Gore Magala, a new flagship and an unknown type of monster the design is crazy and capcom really went all out with its design, and let's talk about how cool its OST and its fighting patterns! Each time I fight Gore Magala it felt really cool and feels like I am in the last battle of my life every second of your battles each encounter feels like destiny is playing with you! That's how crazy good the battle between Gore and your hunter. I will not talk about the Elder Dragon for 4U since it will lead to a major spoiler and 4U is the Monster Hunter game that you should enjoy every bit of its storyline since this is the monster hunter game with an amazing and well-written storyline and characters. In conclusion, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is one of the greatest games in the franchise, yes it might have outdated graphics since it is only available for the Nintendo 3DS but it still holds as its own as a Monster Hunter game. MH4U is a solid monster hunter game and a solid game itself. The only downside of this game was its graphics and that's it. I enjoyed every moment of 4U.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is the Monster Hunter game that everybody has played during their childhood or even some hunters' first mh game. I will not be biased, I enjoyed freedom unite but it is an 'okay' game it's not the best and its not bad either. Why is it okay? MHFU has a lot of good and bad things. Good things for example its Village, Pokke village is one of the greatest villages in the franchise, it really gave me that safe, warmth, and happy village type of feeling. Every time I finished a quest hearing the Pokke Village theme and seeing the village in peace just gives me this happy and safe vibe. Also, let's not forget some of its new mechanics such as the new and improved farming system! Yes, the palico farm from Portable 1 is back but a little much better, if I'm gonna be honest MHFU has the best palico farm in all of the 3 portable games. Easier, bigger, and simple, that's the palico farm of MHFU. On the other hand, MHFU has its downside such as bad hitboxes and i mean by bad is 'nightmare'. Every movement a monster make it damages your hunter and not just movement but as long as you are in a body area of the monster even if it didn't touch you, you will get damaged. Graphics wise it is a little better than its predecessor, Portable 1. It removed its semi top-down view when in the village and the assets and graphics may look a little similar but it is I guess you can call it a little polished? Yes, it has the essence of Monster Hunter and very very hard and I'm not gonna lie for me I think it was hard because it is a clanky game. It has an unoptimized hitbox from Monster and Weapons itself. Story-wise, MHFU has the original MH Formula of a story. From a big flagship called Tigrex into the here is "the real bad guy destroying the eco-system hunt it down!" type of story. It has several enjoyable monsters from Tigrex, Teostra, Kushala Daora, and etc. Some battles are enjoyable and some are just plain ol' torture since it is an outdated game from 2007. So, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is a okay Monster Hunter game but a unoptimized game. Was it memorable? Yes, as my first MH game it was memorable everything about it but I do only remember it as "My First MH" game. The only thing that making me love this game is the nostalgia of the Monster Hunter Essence that the new gens are losing.

The first Monster Hunter for the PSP, and I might say this game is pretty bad but pretty groundbreaking during its time. Okay, I only played this so I can finish the portable monster hunter trilogy and experience the first monster hunter but in portable, since I didn't have any PS2 at the time. First, the story is your again, typical monster hunter story, you get to hunt down the flagship monster and on to the elder. Next, the gameplay is Monster Hunter to the core, since basically this is the first monster hunter ported into the PSP, the gameplay is very Monster Hunter and I must say, it is difficult. Why? The movement is very limited since this is a game from 2005 and the hitbox is fucking worse than Freedom Unite like its a shitbox. Monster Hunter Freedom, a hunting game that was peak during its time but sadly, it is an old game with old mechanics, enjoyable at first but you can suffer a lot. Truly a groundbreaking game during its time.

Project Wingman is hell of a game! This is my first flight war sim arcade and yet it fucking delivered! The game is just pure beauty. PW's story was amazing from start to finish at first I was not expecting a lot from a sim arcade game but the way it tell its story from each mission and each dialogue had me jaw dropping in every mission I play! It felt like a movie every time I start a new mission. The gameplay is also enjoyable since it is an arcade game don't expect a realistic approach to its fighter jet maneuvers and yet they still managed to make it realistically as possible by making the graphics good looking and the way they built the world. Let's talk about the world-building they had done in this game, and it's amazing its just a simple political war and yet they still managed to put and capture lore in the game even without trying. The game itself may be short but its definitely worth it! Project Wingman is a solid game!

Helltaker is a cute puzzle game. Cute, because it has cute anime demon girls! The art style for this game is visually beautiful and I’m surprised that it is a free game with an art like that. The puzzles for this game is somewhat hard from time to time and its quite enjoyable, i really enjoyed some parts of the game and its just a fast phase puzzle game. What I really liked the most was the final boss battle, it was great and i enjoyed it the most! The story is not amazing but it is a fun one and i like it! Overall, Helltaker is a great puzzle game that is free! Highly recommended if you have the time to play.

It is a great game! The hacking concept is so cool with the open world gameplay is really well-made and blended well together. Story-wise, WD really has a great story and amazing written character that is Aiden Pearce, the tone and setting is very perfect for the game. The combat is really good I really like the recoil on the guns, and the stealth combat action for WD is really good! It's not Assassins Creed type but the way it plays feels like Ghost Recon Wildlands and I enjoyed every stealth mission a lot, I approached every mission in a stealth way since I really had fun doing that! The only downside for Watch Dogs is the driving, it's really hard to get use to but after days of playing WD you will get use to it a little. Overall, Watch Dogs is a pretty solid action game! Good story, good gameplay and the direction and everything is great!

Unity is such an underrated AC game, I know it was hated for the bugs and lack of optimization at launch but, as of now in 2023 it's completely playable. The game's atmosphere is very amazing, I really like its coloring and its graphics, very good-looking especially at its time of release! Story-wise, AC Unity really has a passable story, it has a great start but a not so good ending. The story is not really that memorable unlike the previous games so not so great, not so bad. The gameplay is very amazing, one of the best parkours and combat gameplay in all of Assassin's Creed! To be honest, I never encountered a bug during my playtime and I played it and enjoyed it till the end. The world of Unity, which is France during its Paris Revolution era, was very spot-on I'm not a historian or a guy from that era but according to history books, Ubisoft did an amazing job with the game's atmosphere and France doesn't feel empty at all! Haven't tried the multiplayer since I played this years late, so nonetheless, Assassin's Creed Unity is a great and solid AC game. Great combat, great parkour, good story and godly stealth mechanic. Great game, I enjoyed it a lot.

Wildlands is so good! I actually like everything about this game. Wildlands for me is an excellent game, the way they executed the story and gameplay is amazing! The story is well-written and every character feels alive especially the enemies you have to take down (bosses). The country of Bolivia feels alive and real, the villages and streets are not empty and has NPCs and enemies all around the map. The whole gameplay is really addictive and enjoyable, I didn't get the repetitive feeling when playing every single mission and side missions because every mission you do feels new. The stealth options that you do is very enjoyable and satisfying, the whole gameplay itself is so good. Graphics are good and overall, Ghost Recon Wildlands is a great game and very enjoyable to spend hours grinding and finishing the story!

BioShock is not my cup of tea, yeah I heard that this was a great game and don't get me wrong the story and lore and the setting of this game is phenomenal and I really like the politics behind the lore. Gameplay-wise, you get to the gameplay straight ahead and it was neat, its an fps game and the mechanics and control is very simple. The switching from the magic thing and to your weapons is very easy and refreshing to see in a horror fps game. I jumped into this game blind and not knowing this will be a horror game. Again, BioShock is not really my cup of tea, though the story was nice.

Played this because of my girlfriend, to be clear there is no actual story behind this game. Its literally a simulation game where you create a character or sim and you create your own story. Gameplay, its very simple create a house and live a life that you've always wished for. FYI, to enjoy the whole game you have to buy every single DLC EA has to offer, and if you are a broke university student like me, there is always the DLC update crack thingy and its not bad since its very compatible with your legit copy of the game since its also free to play. Sims 4 is an enjoyable game but destroyed by the dozens of DLCs that you have to buy before you can enjoy the full game.

This is one hell of a GTA sequel. GTA 5 is unlike any other GTA, it has a lot to offer, and I mean by a lot is CRAZY AMOUNT of content. The gameplay is still your same old Grand Theft Auto with a lot of quality of life improvements and more diverse world with more details than ever. The story is very well-written and you will get hooked by the charismatic characters especially the three main characters Michael, Franklin and Trevor. Overall, Grand Theft Auto 5 is an amazing game and very enjoyable and worth every time you play it.

The characters are really well-written and match the story and the world of San Andreas once again. The graphics by the time were so good! Up until now it still holds the beauty of its graphics especially with the constant update of GTA Online. Let me get started with Online.

GTA ONLINE: GTA 5 already has a great storyline and side missions and if you want more of GTA 5's world, GTA Online has got you covered since GTAO has dozens of content from Heists to creating your own illegal businesses, it really has a crazy amount of game time, and every story of every DLC Update GTA Online has to offer has great stories as well. Well, some might be a hit or miss but some characters are really well-written and some fan-favorite characters from past GTA games will appear from time to time. It is a very fun and entertaining game to play especially with the BOYS.

I became the champion of Galar. Sword and Shield is a great addition to the Pokemon franchise and has great music as always and has more additional Pokemons. The battles are quite interesting but its seems easy enough to finish the game without losing. Yes, i think Sword and Shield's battles are easy and i feel like the AIs are not even trying. In addition, the gym battles are really impressive they just made Pokemon battles feel more like an actual sport in the world of pokemon and the Gym Theme is so good and it helps you to immerse yourself in the gym battle that is going on. The region of Galar is pretty big but the map feels like its just a big one way route and unlike older pokemon games, which have pretty confusing map routes. The graphics is an pretty decent for a switch game the only down side is that everything feels bland. Nostalgia has nothing to do with this but i feel like the 2D pixel art of Pokemon games are the heart of the game series.

Pokemon Sword is an okay Pokemon game it has good themes and really good new pokemon designs the story is very passable. On the other hand, the characters are really interesting and has charismatic personas especially the Gym leaders. The battles are really enjoyable but pretty easy to beat.