For so long I didn’t want to touch this game but the joy it has brought me and my friends this past month has made me eat my words

Also there’s nothing more humiliating then getting killed then getting gwiddy’d on

I loved the art style and the music so much. The Ritual had me tearing up and was one of the more beautiful songs I’ve heard recently. Fantastic game to play in a night or two where you want to just feel..

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I loved it. Insomniac has done a great job with these Spider-Man games. A small thing I loved about this since the events of the first is that we see some past villains actually be reformed and want to be better people. Which i think is incredible because that’s what Spider-Man is all about! Can’t wait to see what’s next for our favorite web-slinging heroes…..

I liked it, personally I have enjoyed the style of the last couple AC games but it was really nice to be back in a game that has so much lore established with being apart of the brotherhood. however I think maybe it should have stayed a DLC! It didn’t really grip me until the final mission. Ubisoft is making their way there but they have to find that balance for the next game :)

pov: if me and my friends were in The Bear

This will always be one of my favorites on the wii, lot of good memories and it’s probably my favorite from the series

It was really cool to see some of the old school characters again, and I really did enjoy the characters in the new one, I think the first one was just gold but that doesn’t mean this one is any means bad, it’s a still a fun time :)

I always come back to this, I still have my original gba cartridge, it just holds great memories for me and I like golf. The mario part is a plus lol

Ive liked all the telltale games ive played and this was no exception! This version of Drax holds a place in my heart

Good way to kill time, and hey its something i can play with my
way younger siblings

one of my favorite dlc's ever! Everything feels like life or death in ME3, its nice to have a chance to just enjoy the characters

really good, a really cool area, cool things to unlock and a neat little story to add to the lore

made me cry, but I had such a good time, one of my favorites in the mystery dungeon games

Ive really loved like all of the mario golf games, this is no exception! And speed golf is fun :)

I have a lot of fun with it.

I have a very fond memory with this game, one time playing with my little sister, who is directional dyslexic, got the signal flags for her turn in team mode. we were all on the floor dying, especially when she ended up winning because the person she was going against was laughing too hard