Perfect game to play in a sitting, little puzzles, cute world, and cat obvi

never thought id like a hat so much

its a fun time, and an actually decent story to back it up

Had this for awhile before i got my ps5, ended up being first game i played on my PS5, no regrets

I’ve played through it twice and I don’t think I could get sick of it. I mean, Arthur Morgan, need i say more?

Not done yet but I’m enjoying it a lot, it’s different than other platformers and they really said “we can do better” it provides some fun challenges but does not stop anyone from enjoying it

Absolutely stunning, loved the story the new aspects, kept what made BOTW amazing and added to it.

I may be in the minority here but I honestly enjoyed it more than BOTW, great game

Loved, first zelda game I truly loved, the lore the puzzles, the world, it’s too good

I absolutely love this series, if I could play it again for the first time I would. But even playing as male Shepard opposed to playing as femshep felt like a complete different experience. Loved it.

Im glad i waited so long to pick it up, it is the game that it aimed to be now. Almost done, only gripe is that I love character customization, and while that is an option, sucks that we cant actually see V in cutscenes and all that jazz

I have over 250 hours and im still not tired of it