kept starting and stopping this one over months but just could not get into it. story never picked up for me.

a cute time-waster if you're feeling low on energy and just want something simple to play. some parts got a little long and grindy.

i played until i met keanu reeves, but then my car crashed in a (scripted) accident, so i had to walk to my next quest on foot across a massive highway bridge dodging cars with no pedestrian walkway and the place to fix my car was several miles away and i realized you cannot pay me enough to walk across scifi LA on foot until my car gets fixed so im shelving this until cdpr adds a bus system

not sure how to rate this since i found most of the items by just speed-clicking interesting items across my screen. the artwork is cute but honestly the online levels are more creative, fun, and way less frustrating than the story maps

minus one whole star for being french /jk

is it possible to review a game strictly based on vibes? the weirdness and creepy, unexplained stuff in the building is fun, but frankly i wish there was more.

my initial impression was high, but it slowly lowered the longer the game went on as i realized this was not Painting: The Video Game, but Another Crafting Game with just occasional painting side-quests. i don't mind walking around in beautiful scenery, but the frustrating combination of slow movement speeds, limited fast-travel, stupid environmental physics, long stretches of quite frankly boring maps to cross, and random crashes meant i often had to redo several parts that left me annoyed and frustrated in the home stretch. (don't believe what the internet says about the game auto-saving often. do it yourself.)


how're we holding up my fellow asian diaspora kids because i started crying halfway through and haven't stopped

what a fun and unexpectedly emotional story. the gameplay feels like fire emblem strategy set in the persona world, which can be a bit simple in the main story maps but gets increasingly complicated in the challenge/side maps, especially those where you have to accomplish an objective in one turn. the chibi art style might turn people off but this feels very at home with the main game's story and themes with two surprisingly charming new companions.

a beautiful and challenging experience, although the animation is basically disney: the video game and the story is, for lack of a better word, uninspired. the cartoony artwork and simplistic script feels like it's designed for children but the difficult boss fights feel like they're made for adults, so it's a little hard to gather what the target audience is and how harshly i should be judging all the elements together.


a cute, fairy-tale style game with a tactical edge, but it was frustratingly slow at times and i got a bit bored of it after only an hour so sadly i'm shelving this.

I never played the original so with fresh eyes, I adored this game. it's bite-sized but with plenty to discover and secrets to find. however, some parts absolutely stumped me without a guide, especially the later dungeons.

a cute, polished little adventure that’s also a great introduction to RPGs for younger players.

there are two kinds of reading-heavy crpgs: the novel kind and the taxes kind. disco elysium and dragon age are the novel kind. pillars of eternity is both. bg3 is strictly the taxes kind. if you enjoy micromanaging everything down to who farted in which direction on tuesday and how that affects your spell direction in today’s wind current, you will love this. if you don't enjoy doing that, like me, then you may struggle a bit to just get through it for the story, which is ultimately kind of mediocre and convoluted if you are also, like me, not familiar with dnd lore. but the characters are a lot of fun, and despite the overwhelming amount of content (sometimes less is more, devs, please), if you've been missing fenris and miranda lawson and dorian pavus since bioware's last "succesful" rpg in 2014, well, this definitely fills that hole.

a simple idea that gets progressively more complicated and the puzzles/clue system more complex the more plants you gather and have to identify.

"i'm good at typing, i don't need prove anything." so i decided to get this on switch. but if you're good at typing it's all the more reason to play this on a keyboard because the waves of enemies can get very chaotic very fast and suddenly you're mashing ABXY and wishing you just had listened to the warnings, dug out your usb converter from the closet, and connected it to the damn keyboard. also the switch screen is damn SMALL and you'll be squinting and crying and you can't see the words through your tears. good game otherwise