good god this is optimised like total ass. 100% gpu utilisation 2-5% cpu utilisation, barely 30fps in the first major city, 60fps everywhere else so far. looks worse than games i can run on ultra at stable 60+. and fanboys let bethesda get away with it every time!

Great fun, unique and funny game events. It's such a shame that after so long you get to see everything, with continued support it could have really extended its life. I'd love a sequal on switch, perhaps with nintendo app integration and share mechanics? Sending my friends who I'd made in the game their wacky goings on was a great point of fun in the original, I don't think it was really capitalised on here.

this bitch just waterfowl danced me twice consecutively im sICK

Best Need for Speed in a hot minute. Builds upon Heat's strengths and shortfalls well. The story is a LOT better this time round, it's not masterpiece, but definitely an improvement on Heat's which seemed to just end out of nowhere. It does feel half baked in some parts, for example, we just never meet the main antagonist. This is the second game in a row with draconian police being a key story element and I don't really care for it. There's some funny background dialogue, but ultimately the heart of the story is between the player character, Rydell and Yaz. I think if they dropped the politics, or at least considered having some nuance in their approach it would be a lot better received. I like the visuals, I think the stylisation does bring something to the game. Customisation is great, as it was in heat, although the system for searching for community wraps is a lot more restrictive than Heat for some reason.

What was most refreshing was how challenging the game is. I did genuinely struggle at times to buy and upgrade my car AND have money for the Saturday events. The time pressure is real, and you have to weigh up the risk of police chases with earning more money. Police chases are gruelling this time round, I really struggled escaping police at max level tbh, I got busted a couple of times during the story. The tiered police is a great idea, having to change up tactics depending on heat level added something more than the standard outrun/confuse the AI. I do also like the added difficulty in races & limited retries. It does add an extra element of strategy when you're cash strapped and need to consider the cost of events, the heat gain, what profit you'll get if you don't place 1st.

Like others have mentioned, tracks are repeated quite often. I don't think it's quite as noticable as it was in NFS Heat, but it can get old in postgame, especially if you're grinding to buy/customise a car. It does shorten the games lifespan imo.

Ultimately, Unbound is stylish, challenging and fun, the best Need for Speed since it was brought back. All it is lacking is just more content race-wise and a little more nuance in the story.

Specs: RTX 3060 (12GB VRAM), Ryzen 5 3400G, 16GB RAM DDR4, game installed on a HDD
Played it on Ultra, for the most part game ran at 60fps, with occaisional subtle dips down to 50ish. Texture pop-in could be quite aggressive at high speeds, it could be worth installing on a SSD, but this could also be a result of my cpu bottleneck.

This review contains spoilers

When the remix of Jins tekken 3 theme played in the story I stood up and screamed

how did they manage to make overwatch worse

i now understand why chefs do cocaine

I cannot exaggerate how much they fumbled the bag with this one. It would already be hard to live up to tekken 3 but the engine changes really makes the game suffer. With the majority of the cast feeling really slow and clunky to use. For me, at least, I'm not willing to trade that responsiveness and freedom of movement for destructible stages and a graphical upgrade.

the inputs leaving my brain the second i leave practice mode 🤪

Now that we're getting some patches to work through the launch issues it is living up to the name a bit more, but we shouldn't forget this should have been delayed, and it did launch unfinished. It is still unfinished.

Daamn, I can't wait til I get dementia so I can play this for the first time again.

trying to actually get through this but do you know how drastically the tone of this game changes when you, like me, have a fear of deep bodies of water AND of space?!?!?! this is a horror game

im back in the fucking building again

the secret levels be aging me 10 years a go fr

me playing this game again is like an addict going back to crack