210 Reviews liked by lavanderlatte

Wholesome fun for the whole family.

Fire Emblem wishes it was as kino as punching a fucking constellation cuz it clogged the hard drive

this is the future for all silly little kitties and kittens

moral of the story is: dont eat pussy in the bronx

I tried to recreate Taiwan and it bricked my pc

ok so if ichiban beats up old people on the streets its called grinding but when i do its called a felony sure

a friend has complained to me about getting splatted by the sloshing machine and the bloblobber and i have to pretend to take that seriously

Can't wait for Scarlet/Violet to be released and see my youtube feed being flooded with " Why Sun/Moon are actually masterpieces: An objective retrospective " and " Was Sword/Shield THAT bad? (6 hour critical analysis) "

They gave sonic a sword and we somehow got gaslighted into thinking that it was a bad thing

Sonic Frontiers is better


I don't think they're bugs spain is just like that

its like what if cavia made a pokemon game except they locked the bathroom door while yoko taro was in there to keep him from making it perverted and evil. most everyone's kinda ugly and it runs at like 10fps, moving around feels sorta off but in a way that becomes deeply inexplicably compelling, they find a lot of clever ways to bake texture into the environments without needing to make billions of new assets, and there's a bit where expository dialogue happens automatically while you run along a fancy corridor. idk man i really genuinely loved every single moment and you know that's saying something because i went into it thinking i was going to hate it and then without my even realizing it the good time hat was on my head and i was constantly climbing into places i shouldnt be and bathing my mareep and making fucked up sandwiches and grinding for a shiny froslass, playing through the whole game significantly underlevelled and getting my ass kicked over and over again and having a blast.

"Aaaaaaaalways, I wanna be with you..."
Need I say more? :D