This game could have been a lot better

When this came out the classic stages were novel, but they really are the weakest part which is saying a lot since I don’t like boost gameplay

One big 2D section masquerading as a 3D sonic game

On par with sonic rush and better designed than the Wii version. Way too short tho

This game feels way more tedious than the first rush game

The game that made me want a DS. It did not disappoint

I don’t care what anyone says this is the best of the advance trilogy

Probably my most nostalgic of the advance games since I watched that trailer for it in sonic mega collection

Probably my least favorite advance game

Deification an improvement over secret rings, but an on rails sonic game really isn’t necessary

It gets to the point much faster than HD unleashed, but some of the missions are worse and the whole point and click jpg is weird. Kind of just down to personal preference on which you prefer

Unironically really good. I don’t love the boost formula, but this one probably has the best

This game is so weird looking back on. I have a lot of fond memories of it since it’s my fist Wii game, but it’s a little hard to go back to