I tried to get into final fantasy by playing this game and while I’m sure it’s great I just did not like it


Gris is a really beautifully emotional game that you should buy if it’s on sale. It’s really cool to experience, but the gameplay is really basic

Arguably a better game than the first. It has lot of cool improvements to gameplay and all sorts of new features. It is a lot shorter and a bit more structured so I think the first game has a slight edge, but hey this is a perfect winter game. Beautiful winter vibes

I played this game immediately after a bad breakup and let me tell you that was a decision that haunts me to this day.

I’m really bad at this game and it’s not exactly my genre per se, but it’s really beautiful and relaxing. Instantly gives me fall vibes

This game fuckin rules. Just one of the most fun feeling games ever. Never a boring or dull moment for me just pure euphoria

Insanely polished. Kind of simple game, but it’s beauty is in the fact it’s simple. Instantly replayable

Undertale is one of the most important games in my life. I love everything about it. I wouldn’t change anything about this beautiful game. This game was honestly kind of the best thing going on in my shitty 2016 and now my life has gotten so much better since then

Glad that this duology finally made it to the west. Leagues better than the other 3DS ace attorney games. The way this game handles imperialism, racism, class and oppression is really quite brilliant

I really didn’t like this one. It tried to do way too many things at once. It’s also just straight up boring. Sorry

I thought this game was really disappointing. Really all over the place and doesn’t know what it wants to be. The twist at the end is just weird.

Really good continuation of the ace attorney series. Phoenix is super funny in this game and as a washed up nothing I can relate to him

My favorite ace attorney game. Amazing story and the best prosecutor. Every case is great and it has the best ending in the series

Definitely a lot weaker than the first, but von karma is a really good prosecutor

Amazingly innovative start to the series! Every case is good and the ending is great. Amazing graphics and soundtrack as well. Love everything about this game