It somehow took me 11 years to get around to playing this game. I honestly wasn’t sure it would live up to the hype, but it did! It’s a simple game, but it’s great!

I’m actually blown away by this game. It came out of nowhere and while I thought it looked cool I didn’t expect a lot. I think the bayonetta games are fun and well made, but This game is very much my style. The games artistic direction is beautiful! It plays a lot like a meteoidvania puzzle action game. The game also has puzzle dungeons spread throughout the world which reminds me a lot of how shrines are handled in BOTW. The controls are really interesting in the way it uses the right stick for attacking rather than camera control which gives a very kinetic feel. If this game already sounded kind of out there then I’ll just add by saying that you can even play this game two player if you want.

Wario ware game that will radicalize you

Could probably skip the first one and just play this one tbh

I wish Sony still made games like this! It’s creative and fun. A game doesn’t need to be hyper realistic Ubisoft open world game to be fun

Better than the first game, but not by much

Growing up I never had a PSP and I was a huge sonic fan. I went years not know what this game was or what it was like. All I knew was I wanted it. It does serve as a nice but of nostalgia, but I really don’t like it at all.

No matter what region you are in the box art for this game is really something

This game is incredible! I’m pretty picky with horror games and this is really the only one that I’ve truly liked outside of silent hill. I don’t have a lot to say other than it’s just great

It was so good I played it a second time…

Wow! I’m actually blown away by this game. It’s really good. Next to Metroid it’s one of the best metroidvanias I’ve played.

What a weird game. It feels especially strange considering the time that it came out. It’s a pretty. Decent game and it runs pretty well on 3DS. I wonder if this series will ever return

Scathing critique on capitalism. There’s a lot you can say about this game in that regard, but I’m only going to focus on a part of it that hit close to home for me. In the game there’s a certain medication you need to pay for to stay alive. It’s $100 which in the beginning of the game is quite pricey and even as I got more money it still hurt my wallet a lot to have to pay for it. As an American there’s lot of us that literally have to pay to stay alive by paying high prices for life saving medication. One example is insulin which costs about a dollar to make a weeks worth, but costs thousands depending on insurance status. I could keep going, but I’ll just end it here by saying that’s absolute ghoul behavior