I’m so sorry, but this is my favorite smash game

The amount of content in this game feels borderline gluttonous. I’m glad there’s a lot to do, but a lot of it teeters on being soulless like the last game. That being said the ridiculous amount of content is also what makes this game great. Like if we never got another smash game again this would be a fitting end to the series.

I’ll always be really nostalgic for the era this released in, but boy is it every soulless. It’s also kind of obsolete now…

Why are the stages in this better than the ones in Wii U…?

This game is perfect, but I’m sorry it’s not my favorite smash

This has got to be the most beautiful looking game like damn

When I started this I thought I was gonna be hated #1 considering I didn’t like sword and shield and the numerous amounts of bugs in the game, but I had fun. The performance is really bad. I didn’t have horrible glitches, but I had some. The lag and draw distance are also pretty awful. Also game is pretty ugly. Like I thought sword and shield were ugly and this game has me looking at those games and thinking damn! This game just has zero drip. Alright so I don’t hate this game. I really like the open world format and I really enjoyed all the QOL improvements. So, it’s fun, but flawed for sure

VR doesn’t even come close to feeling as revolutionary as the first time you booted up Wii sports did

I’ve been slowly plugging away at days gone on the back burner for the longest time and I’ve finally finished it! I tried this game a couple years ago and gave up early in because I got stuck on an annoying mission. A while later I decided to give it another shot, but this time slowly and taking breaks to play other games as well. Definitely a mixed bag overall. Way less buggy than when it first launched, but has some performance hiccups here and there still. The combat is fine, it does the job. It has a few too many systems imo. Like its systems are as wide as a lake and as deep as a puddle. So, I really think it would’ve benefitted from some simplification. What’s really cool about the gameplay is the motorcycle riding and exploration are actually really fun and the best part of the game. The hoards are also pretty impressive. It definitely feels like a lot of energy went into making these work. The music is generic MCU orchestral music. There’s really no reason the music needed to be like this. I honestly really didn’t like the story at all. No shade to people who like it, but I can’t stand the most famous game based in Oregon is filled with Redneck bikers. Yes people like this exist in Oregon, but it’s really not the Oregon I know. The dialogues in my humble opinion is dogshit and I hate it. I get it was inspired by sons of anarchy, but redneck biker shit is literally the lamest thing ever. You could’ve made something else so much cooler with a motorcycle. Example being akira. It’s an apocalyptic story with a guy who rides a bike and it’s sick! This is not. Also stuff with rednecks can work look at the red dead games! They have great writing and dialogue as opposed to this game. I hate the relationship he has with that one lady too! Also he helps slaver camps! It doesn’t feel like a critique on slavery either. He just helps them and earns money and sure Oregon just put the final nail on the coffin with slavery in our state legislation and like 42% of the population wanted to not pass it, but I digress. So, I don’t know if I made it clear, but I live in the town this game was made in. Which is why I really wanted to give this game a chance. I figured I owed it that. They tried to base it off of central Oregon specifically and it’s pretty well made, but it’s a bit of a hit and a miss. There’s a couple of noteworthy landmarks from the area, but they literally removed the city and surrounding towns that exist in this area. In a lot of ways it f La more like eastern Oregon in the fact that there’s nothing there. Some of the geography is pretty inaccurate. Like mt. Bachelor is not that close to crater lake. Also central Oregon has more sunny days than San Diego so, there really isn’t that much rain. The valley and the coast which is like 1/3 of the state get a lot of rain, but central Oregon really doesn’t. This game has lots of rain tho. I feel like they were vaguely basing the world off the state rather than being accurate and why do that? Either make it fictional or try to be 100% accurate imo anyways a bit overhated, but has its flaws especially for me and my biggest problem is I just hate the story, dialogue and characters a lot. That being said please try this game out. You might like it and it’s worth giving it a shot to see if it’s for you or not.

Honestly I really loved it. Feels good heaving an enjoyable 3D sonic game again. I think the new system is a lot of fun even if it shares a lot in common with Mario odyssey and BOTW. I’m not the biggest fan of the stages as they are a bit derivative and feature a lot of 2D segments. The overworld makes up for it though. The pop in is pretty noticeable, but it’s more than playable. Excited to see if they’ll go on to refine this system in more games.

Played this game at an arcade in Eugene, Or last night. To me this was especially fitting since Springfield was named after Springfield, Or which is right next to Eugene. There’s been a lot of debate on which Springfield n the USA it was named after, but Matt Groening is from Portland and has even confirmed that it was named after Springfield, Or. anyways, the game itself is a really simple arcade beat em up. That being said it’s still a lot of fun to play and the art and presentation are packed with so much attention to detail.

Definitely a mixed, but fun experience. Didn’t really care for the 2D segments, but I thought the kaiju fights were really cool. Overall I think I prefer this to Bayo 2, but Bayo 1 is still my favorite.

It’s alright. Definite improvement over the first game. The free roaming in combat is cool. I still hate the rabbids

The only frogger game you will ever need