Ya know what this game has a really unique look to it, but I think I prefer the art direction of origins. That being said this game has a bit more going on since it’s like origins, but BIGGER!

I really liked the story and characters in three houses, but the gameplay kind of felt like a step down from awakening and echoes. This game has the opposite problem where the story is fine, but doesn’t hit like three houses. That being said the gameplay and graphics feel like a big step up. The graphics feel way more detailed, but the art design is not really my thing. The gameplay and map design really carried this game tho and I had fun with it.

While I respect the hell out of the first game I didn’t really vibe with it too much. Im really happy to report that I absolutely fuck w this game! It is an absolute joy to experience. The vacuum mechanic is also very unique. Such a vibe!

I’m really happy that we are getting ways to play all of these 90s 3D platformers on modern consoles. That being said they really have a knack for sucking the soul out of the original games presentation. This remake is still really solid, but I’m glad that when you finish the game it also includes the original game with it. I think that’s really important for preservation sake.

Me and my wife bought and played this on our honeymoon which is kind of funny

You can Put your hands in your pockets and let a cigarette hang from your mouth

While I do like how fleshed out this is compared to the first it definitely loses some of the visceral elements of the first game

I think the simplicity and the fact that this is way more vague than the second makes this a lot more effective as a piece of horror

Played this game like a Dale Cooper simulator

It’s hard to put into words, but this game feels like a direct result of colonization

Anyone remember the commercial for this game where Kirby goes on a date with a finger?

Never have I played a game with such attention to detail and quality while having so much unrealized potential. If you like Zelda, mother 3 or zombies ate my neighbors give it a shot. It is fun just a bit too long.

Chrono cross is a lovely game. Like never have I wanted more to be sucked into the world of a video game than this one. It is so gorgeous looking! The backgrounds that feel like they could go on and on are so captivating. I love the coastal setting as well! That was such a thing at the turn of the millennium that I’ve always loved. I have such a soft spot for the beach and the ocean. How do you follow up a game as legendary as chrono trigger? Well, in a lot of ways you try going out of your way to be the opposite of that game. This game is really innovative in the fact that instead of exploring time vertical you explore it horizontally with the many worlds approach. The music is fantastic like some of the best the graphics are gorgeous. I’m sure this game does look better on a PS1 with a crt, but this is just a bit more convenient. I think it sucks how they used ai upscaling for this and it’s a pretty lazy port. The battles system is super unique as well. I really respect that about it. It is kind of hard for me to get through with grinding not being much of a thing and healing feeling like a bit of a scarce commodity.