played this for like forty-five minutes a year ago and didn’t “get” it despite being extremely hyped; saw it was leaving Game Pass next week and gave it another whirl, and ended up cruising through to the ending on my day off.

listen—it’s got flaws. despite some updates since launch (which have improved performance thankfully), it still slows down sometimes. and the hover bike…it sucks. it’s so slow. there’s no thrill, no dynamism, no anything. just an awful way to get around.

but! the ruins? the story? the atmosphere? the puzzles? yeah, it’s good. and my god, the soundtrack is incredible and one of Japanese Breakfast’s best.

so, a mixed bag, but arcing upward. I don’t think I’ll track it down after it leaves Game Pass, but I dug it on my rainy day off. it’s cool to see indies picking up some of the lessons of BOTW.

wow, I loved this? and I didn’t even think I liked point-and-click adventures? most of the puzzles were fun, even! there’s such a manic, gonzo energy to this thing’s ambition; also, a real charm to how 1990s it is. one of the most memorable gaming experiences I’ve had in a while.

played it for about six or seven hours on Game Pass, forgot about it, then it left. neat game!

wow, they even made Fort Condor and Yuffie extremely compelling!

played it when it came out, got stuck, put it down for almost two years, and then marathoned the remaining 20 or so hours within a few days. loved it. that combat! that ending! (and yes, the ending rocks. hyped to see what they do next!). highly recommended.

extremely fun; Apple Arcade rocks and y'all are sleeping on it

played through this for the first time in almost six years since it is out on Game Pass. it's still as revolutionary; Sam Barlow is exactly the game designer that I needed to encounter.

some notes, though: the plot is still fairly standard and even problematic (can't get into specific without spoilers), though the acting is even better than I remember. the mechanics are almost perfect.

Telling Lies is better, though. I really will never understand why people prefer this. anyway, Immortality this summer is going to be SO FUCKING AMAZING.

(made it about 90% through and got stuck on a glitch so I had to abandon this. :/) what a fun game! loved this. feels very Trekky despite being a shooter. it rules that that the GOG release includes the “Virtual Voyager” DLC that lets you just hang out and chat with the characters from the show. a real treat.

booted this up this morning (after years of on and off playing), realized I was in the last level, and finally beat it. the last level was cool but a slog in the way all final levels of old Sonic games are. wish Sega would make another of these, it’s amazing. gonna keep playing it on Encore mode, plugging away at those emeralds!

I played this for a couple of hours when it launched, and then fell off. A couple of weeks ago I picked it up via Remote Play, in bed, on my Backbone. I almost 100%’d it: every FOB, every base. This game rocks—my main critique is the lack of distinct biomes (something that will be remedied with DLC I’m sure).

incredible—this is the new game that I evangelizing for. wow. a visual novel open-world murder-mystery with radical politics? one of my favorite games ever. I’d have 100%’d it too, if it weren’t for the fact that I missed two collectibles and can’t seem to find them anywhere. still so good though!!!

contrary to people’s opinions, this is not better than Crazy Taxi. Crazy Taxi is a staggering work of genius and one of the best games ever made. this is a very fun time though.

played on my modded Wii U. this owns. wow. shocked I never got it back in the day. some of the missions are annoying (I didn’t beat it yet oops), but the writing is sharp.

why did they never do this gimmick again? my wife and I had a blast!