It's basically more of RE2 which I absolutely can't complain about, but it definitely isn't as compelling as its predecessor.

The visuals are stunning, it has a great soundtrack and the parkour is still very fun but it is completely bogged down by a pointless upgrade system and open world. The map is also very difficult to use from a purely visual standpoint. Just a very messy game which is disappointing since it feels like if it was just a more refined version of the original it could've been such an easy slam dunk.

Just like what a lot of people have said about this game, the gameplay is tons of fun but the story sucks ass.

Very solid. It very much feels like the precursor to both Assassin's Creed(for obvious reasons) and Uncharted. It doesn't overstay its welcome and the gameplay is quite fun for the most part, besides the combat sometimes. The music is also goated.

Soundtrack goes stupid hard but does not fit a WW2 game lmao

The white house getting absolutely clapped was pretty based

My feelings on this game are complicated.

I remember buying this game on day one back in 2012. I loved the experience, and I still cherish those memories. Now, when I went back and replayed it, I don't quite feel the same way, but I still feel some of those feelings.

I feel like there's a truly great AC game hiding somewhere in this game. Somewhere beneath all of the bugs, the messy story, weird pacing, annoying crafting/trading system and the shitty ending. The core of the story does have a lot of heart, so it kind of sucks to see just how disjointed it feels when you actually play it.

It's also the first game where I really didn't enjoy the stuff in the modern day. The modern day storyline has always been pretty polarizing, but I really like it in most AC games. In AC3, I felt like it was kind of an underwhelming end to Desmond's story, and it kind of lacked the sense of mystery that the modern day stuff had in the previous games. I did like that you got to actually be an Assassin in different locations in the modern day though.

Maybe the game was just too ambitious for its own good? I think that with a bit more time in the oven this game could've truly been something special.

But the thing is, despite its obvious flaws(which are many), it's still something special to me. The atmosphere of the Davenport homestead is something I still think about ten years later. The combat, while laughably easy, is incredibly satisfying. The naval missions, even though they where eclipsed by the next entry in the series.

I also love Ratonhnhaké:ton as a protagonist, even though he is still considered boring by many. I agree that his arc does feel slightly lacking, especially coming off of the previous protagonist in the series, who had a whole trilogy and a short film to develop his character. Despite this, I am personally quite fond of him and his arc. The rest of the cast, such as Achilles or Haytham as examples, are also very interesting characters.

This was basically just me rambling, so it's probably unstructured as all hell, but who's expecting an award winning essay on here anyway?

Very very nostalgic but not very good lmao

Also runs like dogass on an emulator for some reason


Nothing boundary breaking, but I had a good time! The game looks great and the setting was very interesting to me.

Also, this goes without saying but it is very very cute. And also sometimes kinda sad if you're a cat owner like me.

There's nothing all that bad about this, except for the pacing and some of the voice acting. It just doesn't feel, idk, memorable?

This game just oozes heart and charm! This was such a great nostalgia trip for someone like me who grew up playing the Complete Saga.

The concept is so ambitious and I really hope it gets explored further in other games in the future, but unfortunately it's stuck in a boring mess of a game.

It's more of City, which is never a bad thing. I can't help but feel like it was a bit rushed though. It could've been another fantastic Arkham game if they just had more time to work out the kinks, since it's easily the buggiest in the series.

Also, some of the new voice actors for the characters really didn't work for me.

My favorite Halo game and I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't just for the music and the v i b e s

I remember the multiplayer fucking SLAPPING but that campaign was so generic.