i played this on my school chromebook

ok yes its very style over substance but its too pretty for me to care. and the soundtrack is lovely

confusing, plus i hate gacha games

the only good 3d pokemon remake


..."Because without smoke, people would have nothing to breathe."
..."Because without metal, people would have nothing to walk on. They would sink and drown."
..."Because without plastic, the world would have no boundaries. People would walk and walk without ever stopping.
..."Because without meat, people would have nothing to eat. They would die of starvation, one after another."
"It's a secret element...the fifth element...the most important element...Because without sugar, people could no longer bear reality, and they would go mad."

guns dont kill people I DO!!!!!

i need to eat out raiten menimemo

its another edgy anime girl game

super cute and fun game. im incredibly bad at it

matt engarde can suck my dick i hate that guy

my favourite game of all time. a life-ruining experience. probably the best rpg ever made.

"I've been dead for 35 years. Today is the day I live."

i need to eat furio tigres pussy so bad